import java.util.ArrayList;
【检查元素是否在List中】public class ExistanceForList {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// create a new ArrayList of Strings with an initial capacity of 10
ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
// append an item to the list
items.add(0, "yellow");
// insert "yellow" at index 0// check if a value is in the List
System.out.printf("\"red\" is %sin the list%n",
items.contains("red") ? "": "not ");
// display number of elements in the List
System.out.printf("Size: %s%n", items.size());
// remove item at index 1
display(items, "Remove second list element (green):");
// check if a value is in the List
System.out.printf("\"red\" is %sin the list%n",
items.contains("red") ? "": "not ");
// display number of elements in the List
System.out.printf("Size: %s%n", items.size());
} // display the ArrayList's elements on the console
public static void display(ArrayList items, String header)
// display header// display each element in items
for (String item : items)
System.out.printf(" %s", item);
"red" is in the list
Size: 2
Remove second list element (green): yellow
"red" is not in the list
Size: 1
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