

from sklearn import linear_model linear_model.LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', dual=False, tol=0.0001, C=1.0, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, class_weight=None, random_state=None, solver='lbfgs', max_iter=100, multi_class='auto', verbose=0, warm_start=False, n_jobs=None, l1_ratio=None)

penalty参数: str, ‘l1’ or ‘l2’, default: ‘l2’ ;即选择正则化参数,str类型,可选L1和L2正则化,默认是L2正则化。
dual参数: bool, default: False。即选择对偶公式(dual)或原始公式(primal),bool类型默认是原始公式,当样本数大于特征数时,更倾向于原始公式,即 False。
tol参数: float, default: 1e-4。对停止标准的容忍,即求解到多少的时候认为已经求得最优解,并停止。float类型,默认值为1e-4。
C参数: float, default: 1.0。设置正则化强度的逆,值越小,正则化越强。float类型,默认值为1.0。
fit_intercept参数: bool, default: True。 即选择是否将偏差(也称截距)添加到决策函数中。bool类型,默认为True,添加。
intercept_scaling参数: float, default 1;只在solver选择liblinear并且self.fit_intercept设置为True的时候才有用。float类型在这种情况下x变为[[x,self.intercept_scaling]]
class_weight参数: dict or ‘balanced’, default: None。即类型权重参数,用于标示分类模型中各种类型的权重。可以用字典模式输入也可选择‘balanced’模式,默认是None,即所有类型的权重都一样。可以通过直接输入{class_label: weight}来对每个类别权重进行赋值,如{0:0.3,1:0.7}就是指类型0的权重为30%,而类型1的权重为70%。也可以通过选择‘balanced’来自动计算类型权重,实际计算公式为: n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y)),当然这是不需要我们计算。在出现误分类代价很高或类别不平衡的情况下,可以通过这个参数来在出现误分类代价很高或类别不平衡的情况下,我们可以通过这个参数来调整权重。调整权重。
random_state参数: int, RandomState instance or None, optional, default: None。 随机数种子。仅在solver为‘sag’或者‘liblinear’时使用。int类型,默认为无。
solver参数: {‘newton-cg’, ‘lbfgs’, ‘liblinear’, ‘sag’, ‘saga’}, 即选择逻辑回归损失函数优化算法的参数。默认情况是使用‘liblinear’算法。对于小型数据集来说,选择‘liblinear’更好;对于大型数据集来说,‘saga’或者‘sag’会更快一些。对于多类问题我们只能使用‘newton-cg’, ‘sag’, ‘saga’ and ‘lbfgs’。对于正则化来说,‘newton-cg’,‘lbfgs’和‘sag’只能用于L2正则化(因为这些优化算法都需要损失函数的一阶或者二阶连续导数, 因此无法用于没有连续导数的L1正则化);而‘liblinear’,‘saga’则可处理L1正则化。‘newton-cg’是牛顿家族中的共轭梯度法,‘lbfgs’是一种拟牛顿法,‘sag’则是随机平均梯度下降法,‘saga’是随机优化算法,‘liblinear’是坐标轴下降法。
max_iter参数: int, default: 100。算法收敛最大迭代次数。只在solver为‘newton-cg’,‘sag’和‘lbfgs’时有用。
multi_class参数: str, {‘ovr’, ‘multinomial’}, default: ‘ovr’。即选择分类方式的参数,可选参数有‘ovr’和‘multinomial’, str类型,默认为‘ovr’。‘ovr’即one-vs-rest(OvR),而‘multinomial’即many-vs-many(MvM)。OvR每次将一个类的样例作为正例,所有其他类的样例作为反例来训练,在测试中若仅有一个分类器预测为正类,则对应的类别标记为最终结果;若有多个分类器预测为正类,则考虑每个分类器的置信度,置信度高的若有多个分类器预测为正类,MvM则是每次将若干类作为正例,若干其他类作为反例MvM则是每次将若干类作为正例,若干其他类作为反例
verbose参数: int, default: 0。日志冗长度;对于solver为‘liblinear’和‘lbfgs’将详细数字设置为任意正数以表示详细。
warm_start参数: bool, default: False。热启动参数;bool类型,默认为False。当设置为True时,重用上一次调用的解决方案作为初始化,否则,只需删除前面的解决方案。对于‘liblinear’没用。
n_jobs参数: int, default: 1。并行数,代表CPU的一个内核运行程序。
l1_ratio参数: float or None, optional (default=None). The Elastic-Net mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1.
Only used if penalty=‘elasticnet’`. Setting ``l1_ratio=0 is equivalent to using penalty=‘l2’,
while setting l1_ratio=1 is equivalent to using penalty=‘l1’.
For 0 < l1_ratio <1, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2.
属性和方法 属性 coef_ :
array, shape (n_classes, n_features)
Coefficient of the features in the decision function.
intercept_ :
array, shape (n_classes,)
Intercept (a.k.a. bias) added to the decision function. If fit_intercept is set to False, the intercept is set to zero.
【机器学习|sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression模型参数详解与predict、predict_proba区别以及源码解析】n_iter_ :
Maximum of the actual number of iterations across all classes. Valid only for the liblinear solver.
方法 decision_function(X)
Predict confidence scores for samples。预测X的置信分数
Convert coefficient matrix to dense array format. 将系数矩阵转化成稠密数组形式
fit(X, y)
Fit the model according to the given training data. 训练模型
fit_transform(X[, y])
Fit to data, then transform it.
Get parameters for this estimator. 获取模型参数
Predict class labels for samples in X. 预测标签
Log of probability estimates. 对数概率估计
Probability estimates. 对X的每条样本进行概率估计
score(X, y[, sample_weight])
Returns the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels. 返回给定的测试数据的平均正确率
Set the parameters of this estimator. 设置模型参数
Convert coefficient matrix to sparse format. 系数矩阵稀疏化
transform(X[, threshold])
Reduce X to its most important features. Uses coef_ or feature_importances_ to determine the most important features. 对X降维(依据coef_ 和 feature_importances_进行判断)
predict 是怎么预测标签的? 首先看源码:
def predict(self, X): """Predict class labels for samples in X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Samples. Returns ------- C : array, shape = [n_samples] Predicted class label per sample. """ scores = self.decision_function(X)# 这里调用了 decision_function 函数,实际上是根据训练出来的系数和截距得到一个回归值 if len(scores.shape) == 1:# 如果 score 是一维的 indices = (scores > 0).astype(np.int)# 如果 score 回归值 >0,就把该位置1,否则置0 else:# 如果是多维的 例如 score=[[0.1, 0.5, 0.4], [0.6, 0.2, 0.2], [0.1, 0.2, 0.7]] indices = scores.argmax(axis=1)# 去每行最大值的列坐标,即 [1, 2, 0] return self.classes_[indices]# 取标签,假如标签 classes_=[1, 2, 3],则classes_[[1, 2, 0]] = [2, 3, 1],即预测输出的标签

predict用到了一个很关键的函数 decision_function(),看这个函数的源码:
def decision_function(self, X): """Predict confidence scores for samples. The confidence score for a sample is the signed distance of that sample to the hyperplane. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = (n_samples, n_features) Samples. Returns ------- array, shape=(n_samples,) if n_classes == 2 else (n_samples, n_classes) Confidence scores per (sample, class) combination. In the binary case, confidence score for self.classes_[1] where >0 means this class would be predicted. """ if not hasattr(self, 'coef_') or self.coef_ is None:# 判断是否有此属性 raise NotFittedError("This %(name)s instance is not fitted " "yet" % {'name': type(self).__name__})X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')# 检测输入的X数据是否是数值型的,n_features = self.coef_.shape[1]# 取特性数量 if X.shape[1] != n_features:# 如果X列数与特征数不一致,报错 raise ValueError("X has %d features per sample; expecting %d" % (X.shape[1], n_features)) # 计算 X与系数的内积,再加上截距,得出一个回归值 scores = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.coef_.T, dense_output=True) + self.intercept_ return scores.ravel() if scores.shape[1] == 1 else scores # 如果这个回归值是二维,就将其转换成一维的

predict_proba 是怎么预测概率的? 话不多说,上源码:
def predict_proba(self, X): """Probability estimates.The returned estimates for all classes are ordered by the label of classes.For a multi_class problem, if multi_class is set to be "multinomial" the softmax function is used to find the predicted probability of each class. Else use a one-vs-rest approach, i.e calculate the probability of each class assuming it to be positive using the logistic function. and normalize these values across all the classes.Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]Returns ------- T : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_classes] Returns the probability of the sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as they are in ``self.classes_``. """ if not hasattr(self, "coef_"): raise NotFittedError("Call fit before prediction") # 判断参数 ovr = (self.multi_class in ["ovr", "warn"] or (self.multi_class == 'auto' and (self.classes_.size <= 2 or self.solver == 'liblinear'))) if ovr: return super()._predict_proba_lr(X)# 一般来说,二分类问题,且multi_class 默认的话,就进入此 else: decision = self.decision_function(X) if decision.ndim == 1: # Workaround for multi_class="multinomial" and binary outcomes # which requires softmax prediction with only a 1D decision. decision_2d = np.c_[-decision, decision] else: decision_2d = decision return softmax(decision_2d, copy=False)# 进行个softmax转化

def _predict_proba_lr(self, X): """Probability estimation for OvR logistic regression.Positive class probabilities are computed as 1. / (1. + np.exp(-self.decision_function(X))); multiclass is handled by normalizing that over all classes. """ prob = self.decision_function(X)# 这里还是用到了 decision_function 函数,计算回归值 expit(prob, out=prob)#expit(x) = 1/(1+exp(-x)) sigmoid函数,将回归值转化成概率 if prob.ndim == 1:# 如果是一维,则转化成 return np.vstack([1 - prob, prob]).T else: # OvR normalization, like LibLinear's predict_probability prob /= prob.sum(axis=1).reshape((prob.shape[0], -1)) # 多维的情况下,每行归一化 return prob

可以看出,用predict与用predict_proba预测标签是一直的,都是先通过 decision_function 得到回归值,
predict 中,回归值>0,则为正类,等同于 predict_proba 中 概率>0。 毕竟,
e x p i t ( x ) = 1 1 + e ? x ; 当 x > = 0 时 , e x p i t ( x ) > = 0.5. expit(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}; 当 x >= 0 时,expit(x) >= 0.5. expit(x)=1+e?x1?; 当x>=0时,expit(x)>=0.5.
