Doctor|Doctor visit


  • blood pressure 血压
  • symptoms 症状
  • stomach flu 肠胃炎
  • prescription 处方,药方
  • medicine 药
  • liquids 液体
  • nurse 护士
  • appetite 胃口
2.Sentence 3.Dialogue Dialogue 1 【Doctor|Doctor visit】DOCTOR: How long have you been feeling bad?
PATIENT: Since the weekend.
DOCTOR: And how have you been feeling?
PATIENT: Tired, and for the last few days I've been feeling nauseous, too.
DOCTOR: Have you been taking anything?
PATIENT: Yes. I've been taking medicine since I started feeling sick.
Dialogue 2 Doctor: How are you feeling?
Pam: Not so great.
Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you been feeling bad?
Pam: Since yesterday. But I got really sick in the middle of the night.
Doctor: Well, you do have a slight fever, but that's nothing to worry about. And your blood pressure is good. Did you eat anything unusual yesterday?
Pam: No, I don't think so. I had pizza for lunch, and I didn't eat dinner.
Doctor: Well, based on the symptoms you've described, I think you have a stomach flu. It's been going around.(现在感冒很流行)
Pam: Yeah, that's what I thought.
Doctor: I'm going to write a prescription for medicine to help your stomach and stop the diarrhea.
Pam: Okay.
Doctor: Stay in bed and, uh, drink plenty of liquids. If you don't feel better after 24 hours, I want you to call the nurse.
Pam: Okay.
Doctor: And, uh, when you have an appetite again, take it easy. I'd recommend plain white rice and maybe some yoghurt(酸奶).
Pam: Okay, doctor. Thank you.
Doctor: Take care.
Dialogue 3 Patient: Do I have a fever?
Doctor: Yes, but it's not really high. Do you have a sore throat?
Patient: Yes, and I have a runny nose. (流鼻涕)
Doctor: How long have you been feeling that?
Patient: I've been feeling bad for two or three days.
Doctor: I think you have the flu. I'm going to write a prescription for some medicine. Take this to the pharmacy(药房).
Patient: What's it for.
Doctor: It's something for your sore throat and runny nose.
Patient: Thanks. Can I go back to work today?
Doctor: No, you should stay at home and rest.
Patient: But I have a lot of work to do.
Doctor: Your health is more important. You should stay there and drink plenty of water.
Patient: Okay. Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: Come back in if you're still feeling bad in a day or two.
Patient: I will. Thank you.
