2018-04-18|2018-04-18 CPU Utilization

【2018-04-18|2018-04-18 CPU Utilization】CPU Utilization Tool Usage
在运行 top 命令时按下 “1” 键,可以看到每个 CPU 执行进程所占用的百分比。

You can always use tools like top, htop, mpstat for simple views of CPU utilization.If you would like to make a capture like I included in my email, feel free, here are the steps: ?cd pgx_1.0_linux_target_package_1176n/ ?./install-pgx oenter when prompted for sudo password oenter ‘y’ when asked for confirmation oif you reboot you have to do this again ?source /opt/intel/pgx1.0/pgx-vars.sh ?pgx-start -c "put any comment you like here" -d ~/pgx-results/ ofor example: pgx-start -c "0417 Skylake 8 Streams" -d ~/pgx-results/ ?run the workload you want to capture ?pgx-stop ?cd ~/pgx-results/ ?pgx-upload ofor example: pgx-upload qs5bq03_20180417-1144.tar.gz ohit enter to accept the default server and default port at each prompt ?your capture should then appear on this website: http://donfpga2.***.***.com:6543/apps/portal/#/repository
