8.|8. PostgreSQL逻辑结构(2)——表


CREATE TABLE table_name ( field1datatype1, field2datatype2, .... );

postgres=# CREATE TABLE testdb1 (id int, comments varchar(20)); CREATE TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| comments | character varying(20) |

  • 主键约束,分为单字段主键和多字段主键,后者也被称为复合主键。
  • 外键约束,表中的字段和另外一张表里的字段有对应关系,更新一张表时必须检查另外一张表
  • 唯一约束,有这个约束的字段中的值只能出现一次。一般用于具有唯一性的数值。
  • 非空约束,即这个字段的值不能是null
  • 检查约束,即Check约束,用于定义某些字段的值必须满足某些要求。
#上面的表中,我们创建了一个两个字段的表testdb1,且表中没有任何约束,如下所示: postgres=# \d testdb1 Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| comments | character varying(20) |

将这个表的id字段设置为表的主键,可以看到id字段也自动变成了非空字段(not null)
postgres=# alter table testdb1 add primary key(id); ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1 Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments | character varying(20) | Indexes: "testdb1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(1, 'test'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(2, 'not all'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(2, 'not you'); ERROR:duplicate key value violates unique constraint "testdb1_pkey" DETAIL:Key (id)=(2) already exists. postgres=# select * from testdb1; id | comments ----+---------- 1 | test 2 | not all (2 rows)

postgres=# insert into testdb1(comments) values('not you'); ERROR:null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint DETAIL:Failing row contains (null, not you).

#删除主键约束 postgres=# alter table testdb1 drop constraint testdb1_pkey; ALTER TABLEpostgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments | character varying(20) |

  • 非空
  • 唯一性
  • 不会自动增加值
  • 唯一约束的字段值不能重复
  • 非空约束的字段对应的值不能是一个空值
postgres=# alter table testdb1 add unique(comments); ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments | character varying(20) | Indexes: "testdb1_comments_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (comments)postgres=# select * from testdb1; id | comments ----+---------- 1 | test 2 | not all (2 rows)postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(3, 'test'); ERROR:duplicate key value violates unique constraint "testdb1_comments_key" DETAIL:Key (comments)=(test) already exists.

postgres=# alter table testdb1 drop constraint testdb1_comments_key; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments | character varying(20) |

而单独设置某个字段为not null类型字段,则需要使用另外一种命令格式:
#在comments字段上添加非空约束 postgres=# alter table testdb1 alter comments set not null; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments | character varying(20) | not null Indexes: "testdb1_comments_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (comments)# 取消comments字段的非空约束 postgres=# alter table testdb1 alter comments drop not null; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers ----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments | character varying(20) | Indexes: "testdb1_comments_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (comments)

alter table table_name add constraint_name (field_name); #添加主键约束或唯一约束 alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name; #删除主键约束或唯一约束

alter table tablename alter field_name set notnull; #添加非空约束 alter table tablename alter field_name drop not null; #删除非空约束

外键约束 外键约束也是一种外部约束,可以使用主键约束和唯一约束相同的命令来添加,唯一不同的就是语法,同时要求关联的字段必须是另外一张表的主键。示例如下:
postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | # 增加一个字段parent_id,命令如下: postgres=# alter table testdb1 add column parent_id int; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | integer| #字段添加完成后,查看新表testdb2, postgres=# \d testdb2; Table "public.testdb2" Column |Type| Modifiers --------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null info| character varying(50) | Indexes: "testdb2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)#字段id是表testdb2的主键,在testdb1的parent_id字段上增加外键约束,命令如下: postgres=# alter table testdb1 add foreign key(parent_id) references testdb2(id); ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | integer| Foreign-key constraints: "testdb1_parent_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES testdb2(id)## 删除外键约束 postgres=# alter table testdb1 drop constraint testdb1_parent_id_fkey; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | integer| #可以看到外键约束已经删除。

检查约束 检查约束一般是用来限制字段的类型或数值范围的,也是一种外部约束,添加和删除的命令和其他几种外部约束相同,示例如下:
#添加检查约束,限制parent_id字段数值范围是3~10之间 postgres=# alter table testdb1 add check (parent_id > 3 and parent_id < 10); ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | integer| Check constraints: "testdb1_parent_id_check" CHECK (parent_id > 3 AND parent_id < 10)postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | integer| Check constraints: "testdb1_parent_id_check" CHECK (parent_id > 3 AND parent_id < 10)#删除检查约束,直接根据约束名称删除。 postgres=# alter table testdb1 drop constraint testdb1_parent_id_check; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | integer|

修改字段类型 基本命令格式如下:
alter table tablename alter field_name type tyepname;
postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | integer| postgres=# select * from testdb1; id | comments | parent_id ----+----------+----------- 1 | test| 2 | not all| (2 rows)postgres=# alter table testdb1 alter parent_id type varchar(5); ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type| Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | parent_id | character varying(5)|

postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(3,'no poll', 't'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from testdb1; id | comments | parent_id ----+----------+----------- 1 | test| 2 | not all| 3 | no poll| t (3 rows)postgres=# alter table testdb1 alter parent_id type int; ERROR:column "parent_id" cannot be cast automatically to type integer HINT:You might need to specify "USING parent_id::integer".

此时我们就看到了系统给出的提示,需要使用USING parent_id::integer这样的关键字来强制转换。我们来尝试一下,然后看表中的数值变化:
postgres=# alter table testdb1 alter COLUMN parent_id type int USING parent_id::integer; ERROR:invalid input syntax for integer: "t"

postgres=# delete from testdb1 where id=3; DELETE 1postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(3,'test again', ' 42'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from testdb1; id |comments| parent_id ----+------------+----------- 1 | test| 2 | not all| 3 | test again |42 (3 rows)postgres=# alter table testdb1 alter column parent_id type int using parent_id::integer; ALTER TABLE postgres=# select * from testdb1; id |comments| parent_id ----+------------+----------- 1 | test| 2 | not all| 3 | test again |42 (3 rows)

修改字段默认值 【8.|8. PostgreSQL逻辑结构(2)——表】给表中插入数据的时候,如果这个字段没有给出值,则会使用默认值,对于某些设置来说还是非常方便的。默认值也属于字段的内在属性,可以使用和添加非空约束同样的命令来修改,示例如下:
postgres=# alter table testdb1alter COLUMN comments set default 'test'; ALTER TABLE

# 给指定字段赋值,拥有默认值的字段使用默认值test postgres=# insert into testdb1(id, parent_id) values(6,30); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from testdb1; id |comments| parent_id ----+-------------+----------- 1 | test| 2 | not all| 6 | test|30 (3 rows)# 给默认值字段赋予一个新值,此时使用的是新值。 postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(7, 'my test', 32); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from testdb1; id |comments| parent_id ----+-------------+----------- 1 | test| 2 | not all| 3 | test again|42 5 | not a teste |35 6 | test|30 7 | my test|32 (6 rows)# 不指定要赋值的字段 postgres=# insert into testdb1 values(8, 35); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from testdb1; id |comments| parent_id ----+-------------+----------- 1 | test| 2 | not all| 6 | test|30 7 | my test|32 8 | 35| (5 rows)postgres=# insert into testdb1values(9,,36); ERROR:syntax error at or near "," LINE 1: insert into testdb1values(9,,36); ^

drop table table_name;
#我们将testdb1的parent_id和testdb2的id设置为外键约束关系,然后我们来尝试删除表testdb2 postgres=# alter table testdb1 add foreign key(parent_id) references testdb2(id); ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1 Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type|Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------------------------------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | default 'test'::character varying parent_id | integer| Indexes: "testdb1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) Foreign-key constraints: "testdb1_parent_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES testdb2(id)postgres=# drop table testdb2; ERROR:cannot drop table testdb2 because other objects depend on it DETAIL:constraint testdb1_parent_id_fkey on table testdb1 depends on table testdb2 HINT:Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.

从提示中我们可以开电脑,无法直接删除表testdb2,因为它的主键是testdb1的外键,还给出了一个提示,可以使用DROP .. CASCADE的语法来删除表testdb2的同事删除对应依赖的对象。我们来尝试一下:
postgres=# DROP table testdb2 CASCADE; NOTICE:drop cascades to constraint testdb1_parent_id_fkey on table testdb1 DROP TABLE postgres=# \d testdb1; Table "public.testdb1" Column|Type|Modifiers -----------+-----------------------+----------------------------------- id| integer| not null comments| character varying(20) | default 'test'::character varying parent_id | integer| Indexes: "testdb1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

从上面可以看到,我们使用DROP ... CASCADE的语句来删除表testdb2的时候,会自动删除testdb1表上的外键约束,而不需要手动去删除对应的外键约束。
