2018-06-11#|2018-06-11# The Martian Week4

【2018-06-11#|2018-06-11# The Martian Week4】Here comes to the end of this book.
Yesterday, Ellen asked me what she should bring to the meeting. This also put me into deeper thinking about what I have learnt after reading the book. A lot of things happened to me these weeks, which made me struggle for a while but also helped me figure out what I truly want in my life. I'd like to share some of the acquirements I got from this book.
I'm sure you've noticed that no matter how difficult the situation is, Mark Watney will always be positive and then find a solution. The attitude matters. Though it's not a formula suits to everyone, keeping a positive attitude will always help you keep a calm and clear mind. I should definitely learn from Mark Watney on this point.
He joked about his death more than once like when he was facing the dust storm, at that time he had just figured out that a potential dust storm was coming around but he didn't know how strong nor where it was heading to.

NASA probably knows. And the news station back on earth are probably showing it. And there's probably a website like www.watch-mark-watney-die.com. So there's like a hundred million people or so who know exactly how far south it goes.
But I'm not one of them.
He also named a few places like Mars Highway 1 and I couldn't recall the others what he named. I think it's an interesting behavior to do so.
Having traveled along Mars Highway 1 all day, I'm back to my campsite from yesterday.
When he was deciding which way to go, north or south, he said the following sentence:
I can't wait till I have grandchildren.
As his crew mates said, he definitely is quick with jokes.
Another sentence I'd like to share with you is the nostalgia he talked about. That's funny!
Weird thought: I'm not in Acidalia Planitia anymore. I spent 457 sols there, almost a year and a half, and I'll never go back. I wonder if I'll be nostalgic about that later in life.
If there is a "later in life," I'll be happy to endure a little nostalgia. But for now, I just want to go home.
See? If you have a friend thinks and speaks like him, no matter how hard life is, you'll absolutely find the sunny side of life. His attitude towards life and difficulties really enlightens me a lot. I could still remember the scene when I walked in the cinema to watch it, at first I thought it would be another boring science-fiction movie. However, it impressed me very much with the development of the story. My heart was hanging with his life, even if I know the fact that the hero will always save the world or be saved.
I look forward to what you'll share in the meeting. See you tonight.
