
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-"""数据增强 1. 翻转变换 flip 2. 随机修剪 random crop 3. 色彩抖动 color jittering 4. 平移变换 shift 5. 尺度变换 scale 6. 对比度变换 contrast 7. 噪声扰动 noise 8. 旋转变换/反射变换 Rotation/reflection """from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageOps, ImageFile import numpy as np import random import threading, os, time import logging import math import shutillogger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = Trueclass DataAugmentation: """ 包含数据增强的八种方式 """def __init__(self): pass@staticmethod def openImage(image): return, mode="r")@staticmethod def randomFlip(image, mode=Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT): """ 对图像进行上下左右四个方面的随机翻转 :param image: PIL的图像image :param model: 水平或者垂直方向的随机翻转模式,默认右向翻转 :return: 翻转之后的图像 """ #random_model = np.random.randint(0, 2) #flip_model = [Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM] #return image.transpose(flip_model[random_model]) return image.transpose(mode)@staticmethod def randomShift(image): #def randomShift(image, xoffset, yoffset=None): """ 对图像进行平移操作 :param image: PIL的图像image :param xoffset: x方向向右平移 :param yoffset: y方向向下平移 :return: 翻转之后的图像 """ random_xoffset = np.random.randint(0, math.ceil(image.size[0]*0.2)) random_yoffset = np.random.randint(0, math.ceil(image.size[1]*0.2)) #return image.offset(xoffset = random_xoffset, yoffset = random_yoffset) return image.offset(random_xoffset)@staticmethod def randomRotation(image, mode=Image.BICUBIC): """ 对图像进行随机任意角度(0~360度)旋转 :param mode 邻近插值,双线性插值,双三次B样条插值(default) :param image PIL的图像image :return: 旋转转之后的图像 """ random_angle = np.random.randint(1, 360) return image.rotate(random_angle, mode)@staticmethod def randomCrop(image): """ 对图像随意剪切,裁剪图像大小宽和高的2/3 :param image: PIL的图像image :return: 剪切之后的图像""" image_width = image.size[0] image_height = image.size[1] crop_image_width = math.ceil(image_width*2/3) crop_image_height = math.ceil(image_height*2/3) x = np.random.randint(0, image_width - crop_image_width) y = np.random.randint(0, image_height - crop_image_height) random_region = (x, y, x + crop_image_width, y + crop_image_height) return image.crop(random_region)@staticmethod def randomColor(image): """ 对图像进行颜色抖动 :param image: PIL的图像image :return: 有颜色色差的图像image """ random_factor = np.random.randint(0, 31) / 10.# 随机因子 color_image = ImageEnhance.Color(image).enhance(random_factor)# 调整图像的饱和度 random_factor = np.random.randint(10, 21) / 10.# 随机因子 brightness_image = ImageEnhance.Brightness(color_image).enhance(random_factor)# 调整图像的亮度 random_factor = np.random.randint(10, 21) / 10.# 随机因1子 contrast_image = ImageEnhance.Contrast(brightness_image).enhance(random_factor)# 调整图像对比度 random_factor = np.random.randint(0, 31) / 10.# 随机因子 return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(contrast_image).enhance(random_factor)# 调整图像锐度@staticmethod def randomGaussian(image, mean=0.2, sigma=0.3): """ 对图像进行高斯噪声处理 :param image: :return: """def gaussianNoisy(im, mean=0.2, sigma=0.3): """ 对图像做高斯噪音处理 :param im: 单通道图像 :param mean: 偏移量 :param sigma: 标准差 :return: """ for _i in range(len(im)): im[_i] += random.gauss(mean, sigma) return im# 将图像转化成数组 img = np.asarray(image) img.flags.writeable = True# 将数组改为读写模式 width, height = img.shape[:2] try: img_r = gaussianNoisy(img[:, :, 0].flatten(), mean, sigma) img_g = gaussianNoisy(img[:, :, 1].flatten(), mean, sigma) img_b = gaussianNoisy(img[:, :, 2].flatten(), mean, sigma) img[:, :, 0] = img_r.reshape([width, height]) img[:, :, 1] = img_g.reshape([width, height]) img[:, :, 2] = img_b.reshape([width, height]) except: img = img return Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img))@staticmethod def saveImage(image, path): try: except: print('not save img: ', path) passfiles = [] def get_files(dir_path): global files if os.path.exists(dir_path): parents = os.listdir(dir_path) for parent in parents: child = os.path.join(dir_path, parent) if os.path.exists(child) and os.path.isfile(child): #child = child.split('/')[4:] #str_child = '/'.join(child) files.append(child) elif os.path.isdir(child): get_files(child) return files else: return Noneif __name__ == '__main__': times = 2#重复次数 imgs_dir = '/opt/sda/imgData20190322/train' new_imgs_dir = '/opt/sda/imgData20190322/train_data_augment' #if os.path.exists(new_imgs_dir): #shutil.rmtree(new_imgs_dir) funcMap = {"flip": DataAugmentation.randomFlip, "rotation": DataAugmentation.randomRotation, "crop": DataAugmentation.randomCrop, "color": DataAugmentation.randomColor, "gaussian": DataAugmentation.randomGaussian } #funcLists = {"flip", "rotation", "crop", "color", "gaussian"} funcLists = {"flip", "rotation", "crop", "gaussian"}global _index imgs_list = get_files(imgs_dir) for index_img, img in enumerate(imgs_list): if index_img != 0 and index_img % 50 == 0: print('now is dealing %d image' % (index_img) ) tmp_img_dir_list = img.split('/')[:-1] tmp_img_dir_list[0:len(new_imgs_dir.split('/'))] = new_imgs_dir.split('/') new_img_dir = '/'.join(tmp_img_dir_list)if not os.path.exists(new_img_dir): os.makedirs(new_img_dir) try: shutil.copy(img, os.path.join(new_img_dir, img.split('/')[-1])) except: passimg_name = img.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] postfix = img.split('.')[1]#后缀 if postfix.lower() in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp']: image = DataAugmentation.openImage(img) _index = 1 for func in funcLists: if func == 'flip': flip_model = [Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM] for model_index in range(len(flip_model)): new_image = DataAugmentation.randomFlip(image, flip_model[model_index]) img_path = os.path.join(new_img_dir, img_name + '_' + str(_index) + '.' + postfix) DataAugmentation.saveImage(new_image, img_path) _index += 1 elif func == 'gaussian': new_image = DataAugmentation.randomGaussian(image) img_path = os.path.join(new_img_dir, img_name + '_' + str(_index) + '.' + postfix) DataAugmentation.saveImage(new_image, img_path) _index += 1 else: for _i in range(0, times, 1): new_image = funcMap[func](image) img_path = os.path.join(new_img_dir, img_name + '_' + str(_index) + '.' + postfix) DataAugmentation.saveImage(new_image, img_path) _index += 1

