第一篇|第一篇 变量、流程控制


Crtl+ /在pycharm里可以注释 定义一个变量会有三个特征,id,type,value print(id(name),type(name),name) 变量的命名方式 1、驼峰体 AgeOfOldboy=73 2、下划线 Age_of_oldboy=73#推荐此种方式 常量可以通过大写的方式提示是常量,一般不改,但不是真正不能改,只是提示最好不要改 AGE_OF_OLDBOY=73 print(AGE_OF_OLDBOY)

#coding:utf-8 input('请输入你的用户名:') input可以交互式的定义变量,在python3中的input无论用户输入何种类型,都会存成字符串类型 name=input('please input your name: ') print(id(name),type(name),name) 在python2中的raw_input和python3中的input是一样,也是存成字符串,并且在文件的开头要加上#coding:utf-8 name=raw_input('please input your name:') print(id(name),type(name),name) 在python2中的input,用户必须输入值,输入的值是什么类型,就存成什么类型,比如输入’eagle’ name=input('please input your name: ') print(id(name),type(name),name)

整形 浮点型 字符串:放到单引号、双引号或者三引号中都可以,没有区别 #字符串拼接 #只能字符串之间拼接,并且只能+和* name='egon' msg='hello' age=18 print(name+msg+str(age))如果是整形类型要转化为字符串类型才能拼接 print(name*10)表示重复10次 #列表:定义在[]内,用逗号分隔开的多个元素,每个元素可以是任意类型 hobbies=['play','read','music','movie'] print(hobbies[3])从左往右取 print(hobbies[-1])从右往左取 print(type(hobbies)) l=[1,1.3,'egon',['a','b']] print(l[3][1])#列表里面嵌套列表,这里表示取b #字典:定义在{}内,用key=value的形式表示一个元素,用逗号分隔开 info={'id':123123123,'name':'egon','sex':'male','hobbies':['read','music']} print(info['name']) print(info['hobbies'][1]) #布尔类型: print(type(True)) AGE=73 age=18 print(age>AGE) print(age

name=input("user_name>>:") age=input("user_age>>:") print('my name is %s,my age is %s' %(name,age)) print('my name is %s,my age is %s' %('egon',18)) print('my name is %s,my age is %d' %('egon',18)) print('my name is %s,my age is %d' %('egon','18'))#这种格式就不可以,因为%d代表的是整形的占位符

算术运算 a=100 b=31 print(a+b) print(a-b) print(a*b) print(a/b)#真正的除法,有整数,有小数 print(a//b)#地板除,只取整数部分 a=10 b=3 print(a%b)取余 print(3**2)乘方 比较运算 age=73 print(age>30) print(age<30) print(age !=73) print(age == 73) 赋值运算 height=180 height+=1 #height=height+1 print(height) 逻辑运算符 age=11 name='egon' print(age>10 and name == 'egon11') print(age > 10 or name == 'engon11') print(not age> 10)

age=input('>>:') age=int(age) if age > 30: print('叫阿姨') else: print('叫妹妹') sex=input('>>:') age=int(input('>>:')) is_pretty= bool(input('>>:')) ifsex == 'female' and age > 18 and age < 30 and is_pretty == True: print('表白中') else: print('叫阿姨') #if嵌套 age=int(input('age>>:')) sex=input('sex>>:') is_pretty=bool(input('is_pretty>>:')) success=True if sex == 'female' and age > 18 and age < 30 and is_pretty == True: if success: print('在一起') else: print('什么爱情') else: print('叫阿姨') #if 多分支 score=int(input('your score>>:')) if score >=90: print('优秀') elif score >=80: print('良好') elif score >=70: print('及格') else: print('太差')

【第一篇|第一篇 变量、流程控制】七、流程控制之while循环
AGE_OF_OLBOLY=73 guess=int(input('>>:')) if guess > AGE_OF_OLBOLY: print('太大了') elif guess < AGE_OF_OLBOLY: print('太小了') else: print('蒙对了') #while:条件循环 #while 条件: # 循环体 count=0 while count < 3: print('loop',count) count+=1 while True: print('ok') #break:跳出本层循环 count=0 while True: if count > 100: break print(count) count+=1 #continue:跳出本次循环 count=0 while count <= 10: if count == 7: count+=1 continue print(count) count+=1 #while+else:while正常结束了,没有被break打断,才会这行这里的代码,基本不用 count=0 while count <= 10: # if count == 3: #break print(count) count+=1 else: print('while 正常结束了,没有被break打断,才会这行这里的代码')name='egon' password='alex3714' count=0 while count < 3: u=input('u>>:') p=input('p>>:') if u == name and p == password: print('login sucesful') break else: print('user and password err') count+=1name='egon' password='alex3714' count=0 while True: if count == 3: break u=input('u>>:') p=input('p>>:') if u == name and p == password: print('login sucesful') break else: print('user and password err') count+=1name='egon' password='1' count=0 while True: if count == 3: break u=input('u>>:') p=input('p>>:') if u == name and p == password: print('login sucesful') while True: cmd=input('>>:') if cmd == 'quit': break print("run %s" % cmd) break else: print('user and password err') count+=1name='egon' password='1' count=1 tag=True #也可以用定义tag的方式来跳出本层循环,或者多层循环,不用像上面的例子一样用多个break while tag: if count == 2: break u=input('u>>:') p=input('p>>:') if u == name and p == password: print('login sucesful') while tag: cmd=input('>>:') if cmd == 'quit': tag=False print("run %s" % cmd) else: print('user and password err') count+=1
