FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.1-2020.3.15)

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FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.1-2020.3.15)
Technical Updates
BTchat | Btchat-IM 5.0 is launched, which mainly involves core services and performance optimization, with the development progress of 60%.
| Added "Topic" function in BTchat.
| The development of BTchat Android and Apple version hot update mode has started, the progress has been completed 50%, and the optimization of interface consistency has been completed.
| IM Server 1.0 is launched, and the core framework is under construction.
| Block Browser requirements analysis is completed, and the development progress was 50%.
| Optimize IM and "Moments" function, improve user experience, update in next version.
Rise of Heroes | The art team is optimizing the scene and characters, and at this stage is drawing the character Cai Wenji.
| The art team modified some UI details and remade buttons for challenges and equipment breakdown.
| The art team completed the UI design of the official website.
| The back end has fixed bugs such as the number of friends and arena target, and the front end has fixed some known bugs.
| Concept Designer modified and optimized some game characters.
| The Android version of BTchat has been listed in Taptap overseas markets.
Marketing and Operations Updates
1. Rise of Heroes "Show Game Magical Operation Contest" Officially Started on March 3. The "Show Game Magical Operation Contest", hosted by the role-playing games Rise of Heroes, was launched on March 3.Players can follow the "FCS Global Fan Community" on Weibo to participate.
2. The Topic Activity of BTchat was Officially Launched on March 9. On March 9, the BTchat topic activity was officially launched. This is a topic discussion activity launched in BTchat. A hot topic is selected for each activity, and users discuss in depth. Excellent participants will get rich rewards.
From March 9 to 19, the first topic activity has been launched. The topic is "If you stay at home for a year ...", users can download BTchat to participate in the topic discussion.
3、"BTchat APP" Officially Operates on Tik Tok. At the end of February, "BTchat APP" officially operated on Tik Tok.Six videos have been published so far.BTchat APP allows everyone to learn more about common sense in a relaxed atmosphere by sharing trivial. Search for "BTchat" on Tik Tok and follow, and progress with more friends.

FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.1-2020.3.15)
BTchat链语(基于FCS生态链的加密社交平台) 1、BTchat-IM 5.0版本启动核心服务和性能优化,开发进度60%;
4、IM Server1.0正式启动开发,核心框架搭建中;
矿世三国(基于FCS生态链的大型角色扮演类游戏) 1、美术组正在优化场景和武将,本阶段正在制作武将蔡文姬;
1、“矿世三国神操作大赏”3月3日正式启幕 基于FCS生态链开发的大型角色扮演类游戏矿世三国于3月3日启动“矿世三国神操作大赏”活动。关注“FCS全球粉丝社区”微博号即可参与活动。

2、BTchat链语话题坊栏目3月9日正式启动 3月9日,BTchat链语话题坊栏目正式启动。话题坊为BTchat链语动态板块新推出的一档话题讨论类栏目,栏目每期选取一个时下大家关心的话题进行深入讨论,并对优秀的参与者给予现金奖励。每期讨论话题内容将自动进入“热门”栏,用户可在动态板块带话题发布动态参与活动。
3、链语APP抖音号已开通 【FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.1-2020.3.15)】二月底三月初,BTchat链语抖音号链语APP正式开通运营,截至3月15日已发布6期抖音视频。链语APP抖音号旨在通过分享生活冷知识,让大家在轻松的氛围中了解更多常识、学习更多知识。在抖音搜索“链语APP”或“BTchat”关注,和更多小伙伴一起进步。
