aiohttp|aiohttp 并发测试web性能

【aiohttp|aiohttp 并发测试web性能】aiohttp 并发测试web性能

import asyncio import json from aiohttp import ClientSession, TCPConnector from datetime import datetime# 数据库配置 HOST = '' PORT = 13306 USER = 'root' PASSWORD = '123456' DB = 'testDB' CHARSET = 'utf8' PASSWORD_LOGIN_REGISTER = "123456"URL = ''async def register_user(session, i): start_time = h = { "Content-Type": "application/json" } payload = { 'session_key': 's0lhvmq1odhxu6v7xf6xzdvzzsyiijtl', 'type': 1, 'pn': 1, 'rn': 1, 'text': '刘', } # try: async with, data= as response:r = await = cost = end_time - start_time msg ="第{}个查询请求,开始时间:{}, 花费时间: {}, 返回信息: {}\n".format(i, start_time, cost, r.decode('unicode-escape')) print("running %d" % i,,msg) # except Exception as e: #print("running %d" % i) #msg = "%d出问题了" % i + str(e) + "\n" with open("log", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(msg)async def bound_register(sem, session, i): # 使用Semaphore, 它会在第一批2000个请求发出且返回结果(是否等待返回结果取决于你的register_user方法的定义)后 # 检查本地TCP连接池(最大2000个)的空闲数(连接池某个插槽是否空闲,在这里,取决于请求是否返回) # 有空闲插槽,就PUT入一个请求并发出(完全不同于Jmeter的rame up in period的线性发起机制). # 所以,在结果log里,你会看到第一批请求(开始时间)是同一秒发起,而后面的则完全取决于服务器的吞吐量 async with sem: await register_user(session, i)async def run(num): tasks = [] # Semaphore, 相当于基于服务器的处理速度和测试客户端的硬件条件,一批批的发 # 直至发送完全部(下面定义的number/num) sem = asyncio.Semaphore(3000) # 创建session,且对本地的TCP连接不做限制limit=0 # 超时时间指定 # total:全部请求最终完成时间 # connect: aiohttp从本机连接池里取出一个将要进行的请求的时间 # sock_connect:单个请求连接到服务器的时间 # sock_read:单个请求从服务器返回的时间 import aiohttp # timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=300, connect=60, sock_connect=60, sock_read=60) async with ClientSession(connector=TCPConnector(limit=0)) as session: for i in range(0, num): # 如果是分批的发,就使用并传递Semaphore task = asyncio.ensure_future( bound_register(sem=sem, session=session, i=i)) tasks.append(task) responses = asyncio.gather(*tasks) await responsesstart number = 380 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() future = asyncio.ensure_future(run(number)) loop.run_until_complete(future) end = total=end-start with open("log", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write('总耗时:{}秒,平均速度:{}秒\n'.format(total,total/number))
