These days we are working on a new programme to send more undergraduates abroad in order to better prepare the country’s youth for the future.
【英语写作训练】The programme is to build relations with universities in emerging economies.
The newly-issued report advocates for the establishment of a new programme to support 1000 students annually to go abroad within four years, rising to 20000 a year within a decade.
Students on the scheme should be going toleading overseas universities.
This would cost the university about nearly onemillion pounds a year for the first five years.
Currently, less than 5 per cent of ouruniversity undergraduates participate in an international experience over thecourse of their degree.
My colleagues will establish a list of priorityinstitutions of higher education for the initiative, based on the state foreignpolicy interests to strengthen research and innovation.
Our initiative is to establish tailored programmes aimed at boosting the participation of students at all stages from all schools.
Global economic and political weight isshifting to emerging economies, which means that we should shift our priority as well.
The next generation of employees, innovators,entrepreneurs, and public- and private-sector leaders need to be equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge and outlooks to succeed – indeed to thrive – in this rapidly transforming world.
It is an ambitious strategy of attractinginternational students.
Last year we set out a plan to attract 2000 international students by 2020, roughly double the number in 2017.
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