About MongoDb roles
all roles:
Read: allow the user read the specified databaseConnect to a specified database in service
readWrite: allow the user to write data to specified database
dbAdmin: allow the user to exec management command,like create/delete index, check statistic, check system.profile
userAdmin: allow user insert data into system.users
dbOwner: owner of database, include readWrite、dbAdmin、userAdmin
clusterAdmin: only used in admin, allow the user copy or shard the database
readAnyDatabase: only used in admin, allow the user read all database
readWriteAnyDatabase: only used in admin, allow the user write to all database
userAdminAnyDatabase: only used in admin, give all userAdmin's authorities to user
dbAdminAnyDatabase: only used in admin, give all dbAdmin's authorities to user
root: only used in admin. super user, super authorities
1.start a database service in local host with docker
1.1 first you should run this in command 'docker run -p 27017:27017 -v $PWD/db:/data/db -d mongo' to start a mongodb service2.config properties (in this project I use yml)
1.2 then you should run this 'docker run -it mongo mongo --host' to connect to the service which started in step 1
host: localhost3.authentication
port: 27017
database: test you can connect to the local mongoDB service after configing this 3 properties
3.1 use 'db.createUser()' method to add a user to the specified database(remember to switch to the database with command 'use database-name'')
3.2 enable authentication with command 'mongod --auth'
3.3 use 'db.stopServer()' to stop service
3.4 restart the mongodb service with 'run -p 27017:27017 -v $PWD/db:/data/db -d mongo --auth'
3.5 and now if you want to do something in database you should auth(db.auth('username','password')) firstly and have the rights
【如何在springboot连接到本地docker中运行的mongodb】 3.6 then you should config another 2 properties (username , password)
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