
1. 决定一个完整和具体问题陈述,包括确定问题和API固有的基本抽象操作;
Decide on a complete and specific problem statement, including identifying fundamental abstract operations that are intrinsic to the problem and an API.
2. 仔细为一个简单的算法开发一个简明的实现,使用静心设计的开发客户端和真实的输入数据。
Carefully devlelop a succinct implementation for a straightforward algorithm, using a well-though-out development client and realistic input data.
3. 要知道当一个实现不能用于解决按照设想规模的问题,这个实现必须被优化或者被抛弃;
Know when an implementation could not possibly be used to solve problems on the scale contemplated and must be improved or abandoned.
4. 通过逐步提取的过程开发优化实现,通过实证分析,数学分析验证那个优化想法的功效。
Develop improved implementations through a process of stepwise refinement, validating the efficacy of ideas for improvement through empirical analysis, mathematical analysis, or both.
5. 在操作中查找数据结构或算法的高水平数据结构抽象实现,能够有效的改进高水平的设计版本
Find high-level abstract representations of data structures or algorithms in operation that enable effective high-level design of improved versions.
6. 尽可能争取最坏的性能保证,但在可用的典型数据上接受良好的性能.
Strive for worst-case performance guarantees when possible, but accept good performance on typical data when available.
7. 知道什么时候留给研究人员进一步优化,然后移到下一个问题。
Know when to leave further improvement for detailded in-depth study to skilled researchers and move on to fthe next problem.
