

  • 微分方程回顾
  • 微分方程:python 解析解(SymPy)
  • 微分方程:python数值解(SciPY)
  • 微分方程组:python数值解

微分方程回顾 微分方程是用来描述某一类函数与其导数之间的关系的方程,其解是一个符合方程的函数。(解为常数值的是代数方程)
微分方程按自变量的个数可分为常微分方程(Ordinary Differential Equations)和偏微分方程(Partial Differential Equations),前者只有一个自变量,表达通式形如
f ( d n y d x n , d ( n ? 1 ) y d x ( n ? 1 ) , . . . , d y d x , y ) = p ( x ) . f(\frac{d^ny}{dx^n}, \frac{d^{(n-1)}y}{dx^{(n-1)}} ,...,\frac{dy}{dx}, y) =p(x) . f(dxndny?,dx(n?1)d(n?1)y?,...,dxdy?,y)=p(x).
后者有两个及以上自变量,例如 ? ? ? x + x ? ? ? y = 0. \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x} + x\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial y} = 0. ?x???+x?y???=0.
以常微分方程为例讲一下常见的一些概念,其中包括 (非)齐次,常(变)系数,(非)线性 。
如果第一个公式里左侧为线性微分方程(前提条件),且右侧的 p ( x ) = 0 p(x)=0 p(x)=0,则为齐次线性微分方程,否则非齐次。出现齐次概念的另一个场合是一阶微分方程 f ( x , y ) d y = g ( x , y ) d x f(x,y) dy = g(x,y)dx f(x,y)dy=g(x,y)dx,具体可以参见Wikipedia 齐次微分方程。简单来说,如果方程的解是齐次函数,那么这个方程就是齐次方程。
  • 非齐次二级线性微分方程: d 2 y d x 2 + x d y d x + x y = x + 1 \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} +x\frac{dy}{dx}+xy = x+1 dx2d2y?+xdxdy?+xy=x+1
  • 谐振子齐次二阶常系数微分方程:
    d 2 u d x 2 + ω 2 u = 0 \frac{d^2u}{dx^2} +\omega ^2u = 0 dx2d2u?+ω2u=0
  • 单摆二阶非线性微分方程: L d 2 u d x 2 + g s i n ( u ) = 0 L\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} +g sin(u) = 0 Ldx2d2u?+gsin(u)=0
  • 一阶非线性微分方程: d y d x + y 2 = x + 1 \frac{dy}{dx}+y^2 = x+1 dxdy?+y2=x+1
微分方程:python 解析解(SymPy) 【python|Python解微分方程】具备解析解的ODE,我们可以利用python的三方包SymPy进行求解。
d 2 x ( t ) d t 2 + 2 γ ω 0 d x ( t ) d t + ω 0 2 x ( t ) = 0 , i n i t i a lc o n d i t i o n s . { x ( 0 ) = 0 , d x ( t ) d t ∣ t = 0 = 0. \frac{d^2x(t)}{dt^2} + 2\gamma \omega _0\frac{dx(t)}{dt} + \omega _0^2 x(t) = 0, \\ initial\ conditions . \begin{cases} x(0) = 0, \\ \frac{dx(t)}{dt}|_{t=0} = 0. \end{cases} dt2d2x(t)?+2γω0?dtdx(t)?+ω02?x(t)=0,initial conditions.{x(0)=0,dtdx(t)?∣t=0?=0.?
import numpy as np from scipy import integrate #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sympydef apply_ics(sol, ics, x, known_params): """ Apply the initial conditions (ics), given as a dictionary on the form ics = {y(0): y0, y(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0): yp0, ...}, to the solution of the ODE with independent variable x. The undetermined integration constants C1, C2, ... are extracted from the free symbols of the ODE solution, excluding symbols in the known_params list. """ free_params = sol.free_symbols - set(known_params) ## free parameters like C1,C2, that needed to be figured out with ics and boundary conditions eqs = [(sol.lhs.diff(x, n) - sol.rhs.diff(x, n)).subs(x, 0).subs(ics) for n in range(len(ics))] ## form equations with general solution(sol), by substituting the x with 0 and [y(0),dy/dx(x=0)...] with ics. sol_params = sympy.solve(eqs, free_params) ## solve the algebraic equation setto get the free parameters expression ## return the solution after substituting the free parameters return sol.subs(sol_params)sympy.init_printing() ## initialize the print environment t, omega0, gamma = sympy.symbols("t, omega_0, gamma", positive=True) ## symbolize the parameters and they can only be positive x = sympy.Function('x') ## set x to be the differential function, not the variable ode = x(t).diff(t, 2) + 2 * gamma * omega0 * x(t).diff(t) + omega0**2*x(t) ode_sol = sympy.dsolve(ode) ## use diff() and dsolve to get the general solution ics = {x(0): 1, x(t).diff(t).subs(t, 0): 0} ## apply dict to the initial conditions x_t_sol = apply_ics(ode_sol, ics, t, [omega0, gamma]) ## get the solution with ics by calling function apply_ics. sympy.pprint(x_t_sol) ## pretty print ## solution is as follows ?______________? ?γ1?ω??t??-γ - ╲╱ γ - 1 ?╲╱ γ + 1 ??γ x(t) = ?- ───────────── + ─???+ ?───────────── ?________2??________ ?╱2??╱2 ?2?╲╱γ- 1??2?╲╱γ- 1 ?______________? 1?ω??t??-γ + ╲╱ γ - 1 ?╲╱ γ + 1 ? + ─??? 2? ? ?

  1. []
  2. []
微分方程:python数值解(SciPY) 当ODE无法求得解析解时,可以用scipy中的integrate.odeint求数值解来探索其解的部分性质,并辅以可视化,能直观地展现ODE解的函数表达。
以如下一阶非线性(因为函数y幂次为2)ODE为例,d y d x = x ? y ( x ) 2 . \frac{dy}{dx} = x - y(x)^2. dxdy?=x?y(x)2.
现用odeint 求其数值解,代码与可视化如下。
import numpy as np from scipy import integrate import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sympydef plot_direction_field(x, y_x, f_xy, x_lim=(-5, 5), y_lim=(-5, 5), ax=None): f_np = sympy.lambdify((x, y_x), f_xy, 'numpy') x_vec = np.linspace(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], 20) y_vec = np.linspace(y_lim[0], y_lim[1], 20)if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))dx = x_vec[1] - x_vec[0] dy = y_vec[1] - y_vec[0]for m, xx in enumerate(x_vec): for n, yy in enumerate(y_vec): Dy = f_np(xx, yy) * dx Dx = 0.8 * dx**2 / np.sqrt(dx**2 + Dy**2) Dy = 0.8 * Dy*dy / np.sqrt(dx**2 + Dy**2) ax.plot([xx - Dx/2, xx + Dx/2], [yy - Dy/2, yy + Dy/2], 'b', lw=0.5)ax.axis('tight') ax.set_title(r"$%s$" %(sympy.latex(sympy.Eq(y_x.diff(x), f_xy))), fontsize=18)return axx = sympy.symbols('x') y = sympy.Function('y') f = x-y(x)**2f_np = sympy.lambdify((y(x), x), f) ## put variables (y(x), x) into lambda function f. y0 = 1 xp = np.linspace(0, 5, 100) yp = integrate.odeint(f_np, y0, xp) ## solve f_np with initial conditons y0, and x ranges as xp. xn = np.linspace(0, -5, 100) yn = integrate.odeint(f_np, y0, xm)fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4)) plot_direction_field(x, y(x), f, ax=ax) ## plot direction field of function f ax.plot(xn, yn, 'b', lw=2) ax.plot(xp, yp, 'r', lw=2)


微分方程组:python数值解 以求解洛伦兹曲线为例,以下方程组代表曲线在xyz三个方向上的速度,给定一个初始点,可以画出相应的洛伦兹曲线。
{ d x d t = p ( y ? x ) , d y d t = x ( r ? z ) , d z d t = x y ? b z , . \begin{cases} \frac{dx}{dt} = p(y-x), \\ \frac{dy}{dt} = x(r-z), \\ \frac{dz}{dt} = xy-bz,. \end{cases} ??????dtdx?=p(y?x),dtdy?=x(r?z),dtdz?=xy?bz,.?
import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef dmove(Point, t, sets): """ point:present location index sets:super parameters """ p, r, b = sets x, y, z = Point return np.array([p * (y - x), x * (r - z), x * y - b * z])t = np.arange(0, 30, 0.001) P1 = odeint(dmove, (0., 1., 0.), t, args=([10., 28., 3.],))# ## (0.,1.,0.) is the initial point; args is the set for super parameters P2 = odeint(dmove, (0., 1.01, 0.), t, args=([10., 28., 3.],)) ## slightly change the initial point from y = 1.0 to be y = 1.01fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.plot(P1[:, 0], P1[:, 1], P1[:, 2]) ax.plot(P2[:, 0], P2[:, 1], P2[:, 2])


