
Problem Description bobo has a sequence a1,a2,…,an. He is allowed to swap two adjacent numbers for no more than k times.
Find the minimum number of inversions after his swaps.
Note: The number of inversions is the number of pair (i,j) where 1≤iaj.
Input 【hdu4911(Inversion)】The input consists of several tests. For each tests:
The first line contains 2 integers n,k (1≤n≤105,0≤k≤109). The second line contains n integers a1,a2,…,an (0≤ai≤109).
Output For each tests:
A single integer denotes the minimum number of inversions.

#include using namespace std; long long int merge(int *a,int start,int mid,int end,int *t){ int i=start,j=mid+1,k=start; long long int cnt=0; while (i<=mid&&j<=end) { if(a[i]>a[j]){ t[k++]=a[j++]; cnt+=mid-i+1; } else{ t[k++]=a[i++]; } } while (i<=mid) { t[k++]=a[i++]; } while (j<=end) { t[k++]=a[j++]; } for (int i=start; i<=end; i++)//这里忘了将临时数组的值还回去,这样每次白排序了 { a[i]=t[i]; } return cnt; } long long intmerge_sort(int *a,int start,int end,int *t ){ int mid; long long int cnt=0; if(start==end){ t[start]=a[start]; } else{ mid=(start+end)/2; cnt+=merge_sort(a,start,mid,t); //这里也要加cnt,每个递归的mergeSort的值都要加起来,为防止错误,最好用全局变量 cnt+=merge_sort(a,mid+1,end,t); cnt+=merge(a,start,mid,end,t); } return cnt; }int main() { int n,k; long long int cnt; while (cin>>n>>k) { int a[n]; int t[n]; for (int i=0; i>a[i]; } cnt=merge_sort(a,0,n-1,t); long long int result=((cnt-k)>=0)?(cnt-k):0; cout<

注意事项 1.一定要注意数字越界。。。。。int 和long我曹溢出了。。。0≤k≤109,cnt数字很大,longlongint和long,int的区别
