
具体方法如下:使用ap-hotspot来创建WIFI热点,而不要用Ad hoc。终端里输入:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ap-hotspot
$ sudo ap-hotspot configure//这一步会检查ubuntu的网络和WIFI接口,确定后会提示你配置热点,输入ssid和密码之类的就行了
$ sudo ap-hotspot start

参数使用说明: tehero@tehero-pc:/tmp$ sudo ap-hotspot config Usage: ap-hotspot [argument]
startstart wireless hotspot//开始使用 stopstop wireless hotspot//停止使用 restartrestart wireless hotspot//重启 configureconfigure hotspot//配置使用
安装成功后配置过程如下: tehero@tehero-pc:/tmp$ sudo ap-hotspot configure Detecting configuration... Detected eth0 as the network interface connected to the Internet. Press ENTER if this is correct or enter the desired interface below (e.g.- eth0, ppp0 etc.)://默认按Enter即可
Detected wlan0 as your WiFi interface. Press ENTER if this is correct or enter the desired interface (e.g.- wlan1): //默认按Enter即可
Enter the desired Access Point name or press ENTER to use the default one (myhotspot): //Wifi名字 Enter the desired WPA Passphrase below or press ENTER to use the default one (qwerty0987): //wifi 密码
使用篇: tehero@tehero-pc:/tmp$ sudo ap-hotspot start Starting Wireless Hotspot... Wireless Hotspot active 出现如上字样即可

ubuntu14.04 问题集锦篇: 1、无法出现 Wireless Hotspot active,并一直保持 Starting Wireless Hotspot... hostapd默认版本有bug
解决方法: 移除hostapd

sudo apt-get remove hostapd

64 bit

cd /tmp wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wpa/hostapd_1.0-3ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i hostapd*.deb sudo apt-mark hold hostapd


cd /tmp wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wpa/hostapd_1.0-3ubuntu2.1_i386.deb sudo dpkg -i hostapd*.deb sudo apt-mark hold hostapd

Ubuntu下使用ap-hotspot出现“Another process is already running"问题的解决方案


This is the message displayed in my terminal screen when I typed
sudo ap-hotspot startAnother process is already running

Which process is running and how do I stop it?

I found this solution
sudo rm /tmp/hotspot.pid

this will delete the process id created temporarily and no more the error is displayed. This worked in my case.




I just fix the same problem, try this:
sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

Change the line that says:


Restart Network Manager:
sudo service network-manager restart
