Hello|Hello World!

So what's the difference between 日记本 & 随笔?
Can I write anything I want to write?
That would sound very cool!
OK, here we go. This is the first time I start to write something on Jianshu.
To memorize this moment, I want to record what I have experienced one minute ago when I was asked to choose what I was interested in theh moment just after finishing registering this Jianshu account.
It was quite interesting. The thing went like below:
If I was asked to choose the topics I was interested in before, there would be a great chance for me to choose almost all the toppics because I was really and truely interested in almost everything. Or at least it seemed like that.
And what surprised me just now was that this time I found myself no longer interested in EVERY thing. There began to be topics I didn't want to get to know any more. Or it should be stated in another way like: I have already got some knowledge about that topic and considering my personality or my charateristic or anything like and my experience, my background, my time, my situation, my energy, or in one word, my sociality, and also the growing awareness of the difficulty to be really professional in one domain and the resulting tiredness of learning quite new thing(like getting to know a proper stranger), I know I will not be neither professional nor really indulged in it, enjoying myself. I was interested in it before not because I enjoyed it, acturally I hadn't even touched it, but because I had no idea of it, because I hadn't ever touched it. It was just curiosity. JUST curiosity. No more than that. And I know now such just superficial curiosity won't drive me deep or far in that area, in any area.
I now choose only the real enjoys(I prefer to use the word enjoy than like because I believe they are different at least in emotional intensity) and the real needs.
What I'm trying to convey is that I find myself having started to know better about myself, about how the world goes. Know what I really like. Know what I don't really like. Know what I really enjoy. Know what I don't really enjoy as much. Know what is need and what is like. And have learnt to be interested not only in what I like but also in what I need. And what's important is both are what I'm more familiar with. There is difference. Be interested in what I know better, what I have experience of, rather than what I don't know, what I haven't any experience of. And I understand now that we don't have to know everything in the world. I understand it is impossible to know everything for a human being, let alone I'm the most ordinary one.
From another perspective, I have become more shaped, more simple to be knew about by myself.
There are still a lot for me, as a human being, to explore, to experience, but I'm just not that passionate any more. I know it is more meaningful to be well done at one thing than surficially tp know about the EVERYTHING
Am I grown up now or just getting old?
【Hello|Hello World!】BTW, this is a practice of the English usage. 欢迎大家来找茬。Thank you!
