gRPC 1.0的正式发布,正好赶上我们新项目的开始。出于Google的招牌以及“1.0”所代表的信心,在阅读了其特性列表,确定能够满足项目需求的情况下,我们哼哧哼哧的用上了。
客户端 grpc官方文档和示例HelloWorld的greeter_async_client.cc中,关于客户端异步的示例代码是这样的:
std::string SayHello(const std::string& user) {
// Data we are sending to the server.
HelloRequest request;
// Container for the data we expect from the server.
HelloReply reply;
// Context for the client. It could be used to convey extra information to
// the server and/or tweak certain RPC behaviors.
ClientContext context;
// The producer-consumer queue we use to communicate asynchronously with the
// gRPC runtime.
CompletionQueue cq;
// Storage for the status of the RPC upon completion.
Status status;
// stub_->AsyncSayHello() performs the RPC call, returning an instance we
// store in "rpc". Because we are using the asynchronous API, we need to
// hold on to the "rpc" instance in order to get updates on the ongoing RPC.
std::unique_ptr rpc(
stub_->AsyncSayHello(&context, request, &cq));
// Request that, upon completion of the RPC, "reply" be updated with the
// server's response;
"status" with the indication of whether the operation
// was successful. Tag the request with the integer 1.
rpc->Finish(&reply, &status, (void*)1);
void* got_tag;
bool ok = false;
// Block until the next result is available in the completion queue "cq".
// The return value of Next should always be checked. This return value
// tells us whether there is any kind of event or the cq_ is shutting down.
GPR_ASSERT(cq.Next(&got_tag, &ok));
// Verify that the result from "cq" corresponds, by its tag, our previous
// request.
GPR_ASSERT(got_tag == (void*)1);
// ... and that the request was completed successfully. Note that "ok"
// corresponds solely to the request for updates introduced by Finish().
// Act upon the status of the actual RPC.
if (status.ok()) {
return reply.message();
} else {
return "RPC failed";
class GreeterClient {
explicit GreeterClient(std::shared_ptr channel)
: stub_(Greeter::NewStub(channel)) {}// Assembles the client's payload and sends it to the server.
void SayHello(const std::string& user) {
// Data we are sending to the server.
HelloRequest request;
// Call object to store rpc data
AsyncClientCall* call = new AsyncClientCall;
// stub_->AsyncSayHello() performs the RPC call, returning an instance to
// store in "call". Because we are using the asynchronous API, we need to
// hold on to the "call" instance in order to get updates on the ongoing RPC.
call->response_reader = stub_->AsyncSayHello(&call->context, request, &cq_);
// Request that, upon completion of the RPC, "reply" be updated with the
// server's response;
"status" with the indication of whether the operation
// was successful. Tag the request with the memory address of the call object.
call->response_reader->Finish(&call->reply, &call->status, (void*)call);
}// Loop while listening for completed responses.
// Prints out the response from the server.
void AsyncCompleteRpc() {
void* got_tag;
bool ok = false;
// Block until the next result is available in the completion queue "cq".
while (cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok)) {
// The tag in this example is the memory location of the call object
AsyncClientCall* call = static_cast(got_tag);
// Verify that the request was completed successfully. Note that "ok"
// corresponds solely to the request for updates introduced by Finish().
if (call->status.ok())
std::cout << "Greeter received: " << call->reply.message() << std::endl;
std::cout << "RPC failed" << std::endl;
// Once we're complete, deallocate the call object.
delete call;
}private:// struct for keeping state and data information
struct AsyncClientCall {
// Container for the data we expect from the server.
HelloReply reply;
// Context for the client. It could be used to convey extra information to
// the server and/or tweak certain RPC behaviors.
ClientContext context;
// Storage for the status of the RPC upon completion.
Status status;
std::unique_ptr response_reader;
// Out of the passed in Channel comes the stub, stored here, our view of the
// server's exposed services.
std::unique_ptr stub_;
// The producer-consumer queue we use to communicate asynchronously with the
// gRPC runtime.
CompletionQueue cq_;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {// Instantiate the client. It requires a channel, out of which the actual RPCs
// are created. This channel models a connection to an endpoint (in this case,
// localhost at port 50051). We indicate that the channel isn't authenticated
// (use of InsecureChannelCredentials()).
GreeterClient greeter(grpc::CreateChannel(
"localhost:50051", grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()));
// Spawn reader thread that loops indefinitely
std::thread thread_ = std::thread(&GreeterClient::AsyncCompleteRpc, &greeter);
for (int i = 0;
i < 100;
i++) {
std::string user("world " + std::to_string(i));
// The actual RPC call!
}std::cout << "Press control-c to quit" << std::endl << std::endl;
//blocks foreverreturn 0;
- gRPC的异步依托于CompletionQueue完成队列(消息队列)来实现。
- 在异步客户端中,通过gRPC stub的异步方法调用,获取ClientAsyncResponseReader的实例。
- 在异步客户端中,ClientAsyncResponseReader的Finish方法向CompletionQueue注册了响应消息处理器和响应消息体的存储容器。
- 当服务器响应消息到来时,响应消息体被填充到注册的容器中,而响应消息处理器则被push到CompletionQueue中。
- 从CompletionQueue中获取到响应消息处理器,对响应消息进行处理。
- 将AsyncClientCall提升为一个纯虚类,定义一个纯虚函数用于处理服务器消息。将ClientAsyncResponseReader和xxxReplay成员变量下沉到其派生类中。
- 从AsyncClientCall派生不同消息的处理器,根据消息不同,其成员变量response_reader和replay的类型不同,并实现AsyncClientCall定义的消息处理纯虚函数。
- 参照SayHello函数编写其它消息的调用函数。
- 在AsyncCompleteRpc方法中将打印消息调用状态的代码替换为调用AsyncClientCall的消息处理函数。
服务端 gRPC服务端异步与客户端的原理类似,并且参考其官方文档和示例代码,跟客户端扩展处理不同消息的做法一样,就可以实现处理不同消息的异步服务端。
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