
前言 在项目中我们常常继承AppCompatEditTextEditText自定义验证码输入框来代替系统输入框,以满足UI设计需求,如:

直线形输入框 方形输入框
| Android自定义支付密码输入框,光标问题总结!

onDraw方法一直被调用 我们在onDraw方法中添加Log日志,发现onDraw方法每间隔500ms左右被调用一次

isCursorVisible = false

问题分析 问题1:是什么方法一直在不停的调用onDraw方法呢? 我们知道invalidate方法会触发页面重绘进而调用onDraw方法,EditText又继承TextView,在TextView源码中搜索invalidate关键字然后加断点调试运行,最后将代码锁定在invalidateCursorPath方法,发现此方法不停被调用,代码如下:
void invalidateCursorPath() { if (mHighlightPathBogus) { invalidateCursor(); } else { final int horizontalPadding = getCompoundPaddingLeft(); final int verticalPadding = getExtendedPaddingTop() + getVerticalOffset(true); if (mEditor.mDrawableForCursor == null) { synchronized (TEMP_RECTF) { /* * The reason for this concern about the thickness of the * cursor and doing the floor/ceil on the coordinates is that * some EditTexts (notably textfields in the Browser) have * anti-aliased text where not all the characters are * necessarily at integer-multiple locations.This should * make sure the entire cursor gets invalidated instead of * sometimes missing half a pixel. */ float thick = (float) Math.ceil(mTextPaint.getStrokeWidth()); if (thick < 1.0f) { thick = 1.0f; }thick /= 2.0f; // mHighlightPath is guaranteed to be non null at that point. mHighlightPath.computeBounds(TEMP_RECTF, false); invalidate((int) Math.floor(horizontalPadding + TEMP_RECTF.left - thick), (int) Math.floor(verticalPadding + - thick), (int) Math.ceil(horizontalPadding + TEMP_RECTF.right + thick), (int) Math.ceil(verticalPadding + TEMP_RECTF.bottom + thick)); } } else { final Rect bounds = mEditor.mDrawableForCursor.getBounds(); invalidate(bounds.left + horizontalPadding, + verticalPadding, bounds.right + horizontalPadding, bounds.bottom + verticalPadding); } } }

void invalidateCursor() { int where = getSelectionEnd(); invalidateCursor(where, where, where); }private void invalidateCursor(int a, int b, int c) { if (a >= 0 || b >= 0 || c >= 0) { int start = Math.min(Math.min(a, b), c); int end = Math.max(Math.max(a, b), c); invalidateRegion(start, end, true /* Also invalidates blinking cursor */); } }

/** * Invalidates the region of text enclosed between the start and end text offsets. */ void invalidateRegion(int start, int end, boolean invalidateCursor) { if (mLayout == null) { invalidate(); } else { int lineStart = mLayout.getLineForOffset(start); int top = mLayout.getLineTop(lineStart); // This is ridiculous, but the descent from the line above // can hang down into the line we really want to redraw, // so we have to invalidate part of the line above to make // sure everything that needs to be redrawn really is. // (But not the whole line above, because that would cause // the same problem with the descenders on the line above it!) if (lineStart > 0) { top -= mLayout.getLineDescent(lineStart - 1); }int lineEnd; if (start == end) { lineEnd = lineStart; } else { lineEnd = mLayout.getLineForOffset(end); }int bottom = mLayout.getLineBottom(lineEnd); // mEditor can be null in case selection is set programmatically. if (invalidateCursor && mEditor != null && mEditor.mDrawableForCursor != null) { final Rect bounds = mEditor.mDrawableForCursor.getBounds(); top = Math.min(top,; bottom = Math.max(bottom, bounds.bottom); }final int compoundPaddingLeft = getCompoundPaddingLeft(); final int verticalPadding = getExtendedPaddingTop() + getVerticalOffset(true); int left, right; if (lineStart == lineEnd && !invalidateCursor) { left = (int) mLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(start); right = (int) (mLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal(end) + 1.0); left += compoundPaddingLeft; right += compoundPaddingLeft; } else { // Rectangle bounding box when the region spans several lines left = compoundPaddingLeft; right = getWidth() - getCompoundPaddingRight(); }invalidate(mScrollX + left, verticalPadding + top, mScrollX + right, verticalPadding + bottom); } }

问题2:什么方法在一直调用invalidateCursorPath方法呢? 继续分析,发现TextView中有一个setCursorVisible方法,代码如下:
/** * Set whether the cursor is visible. The default is true. Note that this property only * makes sense for editable TextView. * * @see #isCursorVisible() * * @attr ref android.R.styleable#TextView_cursorVisible */ @android.view.RemotableViewMethod public void setCursorVisible(boolean visible) { if (visible && mEditor == null) return; // visible is the default value with no edit data createEditorIfNeeded(); if (mEditor.mCursorVisible != visible) { mEditor.mCursorVisible = visible; invalidate(); mEditor.makeBlink(); // InsertionPointCursorController depends on mCursorVisible mEditor.prepareCursorControllers(); } }

void makeBlink() { if (shouldBlink()) { mShowCursor = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (mBlink == null) mBlink = new Blink(); mTextView.removeCallbacks(mBlink); mTextView.postDelayed(mBlink, BLINK); } else { if (mBlink != null) mTextView.removeCallbacks(mBlink); } }

static final int BLINK = 500; /** * @return True when the TextView isFocused and has a valid zero-length selection (cursor). */ private boolean shouldBlink() { if (!isCursorVisible() || !mTextView.isFocused()) return false; final int start = mTextView.getSelectionStart(); if (start < 0) return false; final int end = mTextView.getSelectionEnd(); if (end < 0) return false; return start == end; }private class Blink implements Runnable { private boolean mCancelled; public void run() { if (mCancelled) { return; }mTextView.removeCallbacks(this); if (shouldBlink()) { if (mTextView.getLayout() != null) { mTextView.invalidateCursorPath(); }mTextView.postDelayed(this, BLINK); } }void cancel() { if (!mCancelled) { mTextView.removeCallbacks(this); mCancelled = true; } }void uncancel() { mCancelled = false; } }

在上面的代码里,我们惊喜的发现了mTextView.invalidateCursorPath() 这句代码,分析以上代码,重点关注 mTextView.postDelayed(this, BLINK); 这句代码,作用就是每间隔500ms就会执行TextView中的invalidateCursorPath方法,此时我们大概明白了,EditText默认会显示光标,每间隔500ms就会绘制光标,造成光标不停闪烁的效果,哦,原来是这样,现在可以解答问题2了
问题3:如何自定义验证码输入框光标? 虽然EditText自带的光标已经不能满足我们的需求,但我们可以参考其光标闪烁的源码,然后修改一下来满足我们的需求,重点是修改光标绘制时的显示位置
  • 在控件可见时开启光标闪烁,控件不可见时取消光标闪烁
override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus: Boolean) { super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus) if (hasWindowFocus) { mBlink?.uncancel() makeBlink() } else { mBlink?.cancel() } }override fun onFocusChanged(focused: Boolean, direction: Int, previouslyFocusedRect: Rect?) { super.onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect) if (focused) { makeBlink() } }

  • onDraw方法里绘制光标,重点是计算光标显示位置
private fun drawCursor(canvas: Canvas) { if (!mCursorVisible) return mCursorFlag = !mCursorFlag if (mCursorFlag) { if (mCursorDrawable == null && mCursorDrawableRes != 0) { mCursorDrawable = context.getDrawable(mCursorDrawableRes) } mCursorDrawable?.apply { val currentIndex = 0.coerceAtLeast(editableText.length) val count = val line = layout.getLineForOffset(selectionStart) val top = layout.getLineTop(line) val bottom = layout.getLineBottom(line) val mTempRect = Rect() getPadding(mTempRect) bounds = Rect(0, top -, intrinsicWidth, bottom + mTempRect.bottom) canvas.translate( (mCodeWidth + mCodeMargin) * currentIndex + mCodeWidth / 2f - intrinsicWidth / 2f, (mCodeHeight - bounds.height()) / 2f ) draw(canvas) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } }

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