平安夜祝福语170句 平安夜,祝福语( 四 )

94. 愿你平安夜快快乐乐,祝你一生绚丽多姿!
95. 平淡是真,平安是福,正值平安夜时分 。
96. 一生平安,是我心底的祈愿,永远不变 。
97. 平安夜点起一盏烛光,照亮我们的前程 。
98. 平安夜为你祈祷,许下心愿祝你一生平安 。
99. 平安夜到了,愿你平平安安,别忘记添衣保暖 。
100. 平安夜快到了,圣诞节快到了!平安夜求苹果,嘻嘻 。
101. 人身平安,财物平安 。
102. 身体健康,幸福美满,一生平安!
103. 愿君平安夜里笑呵呵,快乐幸福更如意,心想事成万事顺!
104. May you smile at night, happy and happy, everything goes smoothly!
105. 平安夜的祝福,为你围绕 。
106. Christmas Eve blessing, for you around.
107. 平安夜里祝福你,愿你平平安安,快乐永远 。
108. I wish you peace and happiness on Christmas Eve.
109. 欢喜夜,送祝福,祝你一生永平安 。
110. Happy night, send blessing, I wish you a lifetime of peace.
111. 平安夜,送你一个苹果,祝你一生都平安,天天快乐幸福享 。
112. Christmas Eve, send you an apple, I wish you a safe life, happy every day.
113. 吃个黄苹果,祝你飞黄腾达,事业高!
114. Eat a yellow apple, I wish you a prosperous career!
115. 平安是灯,照亮你前行的路 。
116. Peace is the lamp that lights your way.
117. 平安夜,报平安,祝你一家子都安康 。
118. On Christmas Eve, I wish you all well.
119. 平安夜,只愿你平平安安,快快乐乐,如雪花洁白 。
120. Christmas Eve, only wish you peace and happiness, such as snow white.
121. 愿你快乐安康,幸福平安!
122. Wish you happiness and health, happiness and peace!
123. 平安夜里雪花飘,飘来快乐满天飞 。
124. On Christmas Eve, the snowflakes are floating and the sky is full of happiness.
125. 祝你幸福一生,快乐一世,平安一生一世 。
126. I wish you a happy life, a happy life, a safe life.
127. 平安夜,藏平安,尝苹果 。
128. Christmas Eve, hide peace, taste apples.
129. 送你一个红苹果,祝你身体健康常快乐!
130. Send you a red apple, wish you good health and happiness!
131. 希望你一生平平安安,幸幸福福!
132. I hope you have a peaceful and happy life!
133. 平安夜,送你一个苹果,祝福你平安快乐,幸福相拥 。
134. Christmas Eve, send you an apple, wish you peace and happiness, happy embrace.
135. 平安夜,点起一盏烛光,照亮我们的前程 。
136. On Christmas Eve, light a candle to light our future.
137. 平安的祈愿,送给你,愿你幸福甜蜜 。
138. Peace wish, to you, I wish you happiness and sweetness.
139. 平安夜到,愿你好运连连,幸福美满 。
