万圣节英语作文100字 万圣节英语作文100字左右( 二 )

As a result, I heard from the teacher that it was a mask, and we first had to pull out the largest head and glue it with a pattern shape to dress up, my imagination is very rich, let me share it with you. (1) Glue the three half-colored long leaves together, then glue it to the top, and add a small flower. (2) It would be better to glue a flower under the eyes, make a flower nose, and then glue a ridiculous clown big mouth underneath, and drop a scary big spider.
In the end, my sister gave us two candies and colored pencils, which made me happy.
Today is a beautiful day, today is a practice of our crafts!
上午,阳光洒在我的身上,我非常高兴,因为听同学说必胜客的哥哥姐姐要来和我们做万圣节的游戏 。
结果听老师说是做面具的,我们先要把最大的头抽出来在用花纹形粘上去做装扮,我的想象力非常丰富,我给大家分享一下吧 。①是把三半彩长叶粘在一起,然后把它粘在顶上,再加一朵小花吧 。②在眼睛下面粘上一朵花,做花花鼻子,再在下面粘上可笑的小丑大嘴巴,再掉一根可怕的大蜘蛛就更好了 。
到最后,姐姐还给我们一人两颗糖,还有彩色铅笔,我可高兴了 。
On Wednesday, our school will have a Halloween event. The teacher told us to wear Halloween costumes and go to school with masks that day.
In the morning, when I went upstairs, I was still thinking: I wonder what the children in my class will look like? I'm looking forward to it. When I walked into the classroom, I saw that the students were dressed in all kinds of ways, Lu Yingqi wore a yellow wig, and Zhang Zhicheng actually put on a big white cloth!
Soon it was time for the catwalk, and I hurried downstairs in my pumpkin suit and with the pumpkin lantern. The host invited a mysterious guest wearing a Zorro hat and a red cloak, who turned out to be Principal Lou! We won the "Best Styling Award" in our second year.
Next came the candy begging activity, where we said "trick, or, treat" to ask the senior brothers and sisters to beg for candy with the teachers. I got a total of 16 candies, but Wu Jiani got 57 candies, she is amazing! It seems that there must be a way to do things, as long as the method is right, the matter is half successful!
【万圣节英语作文100字 万圣节英语作文100字左右】星期三,我们学校要举行万圣节的活动 。老师让我们当天穿上万圣节的服装,带着面具去学校 。
早上,我在上楼的时候还在想:不知道我们班里的小朋友会穿成什么样子?我心里很期待 。当我走进教室,我看见同学们穿得五花八门,卢滢琦戴了一顶黄色的假发,张智成居然套了一块大白布!
