万圣节英语作文100字 万圣节英语作文100字左右( 三 )

很快就到了走秀的时间,我赶紧穿着我的南瓜衣,拿着南瓜灯下楼 。主持人请了一位头戴佐罗帽,身披红斗篷的神秘嘉宾,竟然是楼校长!我们二年级获得了“最佳造型奖” 。
接下来是讨糖活动,我们说着“trick、or、treat”找高年级的大哥哥大姐姐跟老师们讨糖 。我一共讨到16颗糖,可是吴佳妮却讨到了57颗糖,她真厉害!看来做事要有方法,只要方法对了,事情就成功了一半!
Halloween always falls on 31 October. It’s a holiday for children. On that day, children always wear fancy clothes and masks. And then, they go from house to house to say “Trick or Treat”, so that people will treat them with candies. If they don’t receive any candies, they’ll play a trick on people. But sometimes if the people are going out, when the children come, they’ll put the candies in a carved pumpkin lanterns. Children will take the candies themselves. All of the children enjoy this holiday very much.
我来到开心城堡,只见城堡边上全是幽灵和南瓜灯 。吓得我手脚发软,我进入城堡大厅,全黑了,我从百宝箱里拿出“火把”向“火把口”扔去,只听“嘭”地一声,大厅全亮了,我三步并作两步跑上二楼,惊奇地看到一个摩尔奶奶在一大锅绿汤前说:“吃一点吧,很好喝的 。”我试着“喝”了一点,眨眼间我变成了一个幽灵,可是不到两分钟就变回来了 。我打开地图,按了按“西部游乐园” 。我买了一个“万圣节魔力棒”可以实现三个在摩尔庄园的愿望.正玩得起劲,我发现来信了,我点了一下信封,上面有几行字,我立即回家给宠物拉姆吃了一些东西,原来是拉姆饿了 。
On Halloween, I turned on my computer, and as soon as I started, I saw a few lines on it, Moore also celebrated Halloween, happy castle adventure!
When I arrived at Happy Castle, I saw that the edge of the castle was full of ghosts and pumpkin lanterns. Frightened, my hands and feet were weak, I entered the castle hall, it was completely dark, I took out the "torch" from the treasure chest and threw it at the "torch mouth", only to hear the "bang", the hall was all lit up, I ran up to the second floor in three steps and two steps, and was surprised to see a Moorish grandmother in front of a large pot of green soup and said: "Eat a little, it's delicious." I tried to "drink" a little, and in the blink of an eye I turned into a ghost, but in less than two minutes it turned back. I opened the map and pressed "Western Amusement Park". I bought a "Halloween wand" to fulfill three wishes at Moore Manor. Just having fun, I found the letter coming, I clicked on the envelope, there were a few lines on it, I immediately went home to give my pet Ram something to eat, it turned out that Ram was hungry.
