万圣节英语作文100字 万圣节英语作文100字左右( 四 )

Moore Manor is so much fun!
万圣节,我和我的朋友去欢乐谷玩 。
进门时,我买了一个紫色的面具,然后我们就去找好朋友 。我看见他在大门里等我们,我听见巫婆在笑,墙上很多骨头、蜘蛛、僵尸和切下来的手,还有很多南瓜灯,真可怕!不过我没什么惊吓 。我去手术室一看,很多血,我摸了一下假人象真的,有心脏、脑子,还有肠子,还有怪兽热狗,出去一看还有鬼在跳舞 。我们来到转转圈,第一次我被摔出来了,可第二次我却没被摔出来 。我们又去坐青蛙跳,我实在拉不动了,就让爸爸去拉 。
最后走的时候,我听见了鬼故事,还看见很多稻草人,过桥时我们又看见警察把恶魔抓起来了,最后我们就回家了 。
On Halloween, my friends and I went to Happy Valley to play.
When I walked in, I bought a purple mask and we went to find good friends. I saw him waiting for us in the gate, I heard the witch laughing, a lot of bones, spiders, zombies and cut hands on the wall, and a lot of pumpkin lanterns, it was terrible! But I wasn't scared. I went to the operating room to see, a lot of blood, I touched the dummy like real, there is a heart, brain, and intestines, and the monster hot dog, go out to see that there are still ghosts dancing. We came to the circle, the first time I was thrown out, but the second time I was not thrown out. We went to sit on the frog jump again, and I couldn't pull it, so I asked my dad to pull it.
On the last walk, I heard ghost stories, saw a lot of scarecrows, and when we crossed the bridge, we saw the police arresting the demons, and finally we went home.
今天,我们班级的小朋友在浦东图书馆举行了万圣节活动 。小朋友们纷纷装扮了起来 。女孩子们打扮成了公主和 巫师,男孩子们则装成了各种怪物 。我和陈家琳、张楚婕和吴子悠则都穿了Elsa的 衣服,四个蓝公主!大家玩得都很开心 。
今天天还没亮,爸爸妈妈就起床参加马拉松了 。结束后下午还陪我参加万圣节活动,妈妈说她冻得都快倒下了 。妈妈说,今天跑步有很多小朋友参加 。明年上海马拉松我也要参加!
Today, the children of our class held a Halloween event at the Pudong Library. The children dressed up. The girls dressed up as princesses and wizards, and the boys dressed up as monsters. Chen Jialin, Zhang Chujie and Wu Ziyou and I all wore Elsa's clothes, four blue princesses! Everyone had a great time.
Before dawn today, Mom and Dad got up for the marathon. After the afternoon, she accompanied me to a Halloween event, and my mother said that she was so cold that she was about to collapse. Mom said that there were many children participating in today's run. I will also participate in the Shanghai Marathon next year!
