It is located in the southeast of South America, facing the Atlantic Ocean in the east, facing Antarctica across the sea in the south, Chile in the west, Bolivia and Paraguay in the north, Uruguay and Brazil in the northeast. It covers an area of 2,780,400 square kilometers and the official language is Spanish.
阿根廷共和国(The Republic of Argentina,简称阿根廷),是由23个省和联邦首都(布宜诺斯艾利斯)组成的总统制联邦共和制国家,位于南美洲东南部,东临大西洋,南与南极洲隔海相望,西邻智利,北与玻利维亚、巴拉圭交界,东北与乌拉圭、巴西接壤 。国土面积278.04万平方公里,官方语言为西班牙语 。
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