juicy什么意思中文翻译 juicy什么意思

juicy什么意思?”我不解地问 。“你不知道吗?”她笑着说 。“那你为什么不告诉我?”我有些生气地说 。“我怕你误会啊!”她笑着说 。
Medium well等用英语怎么说?
学习过“牛扒几成熟”英语表达的学习者应该都学过并死记硬背过rare,medium rare,medium,medium well,well done这几个英语单词 。
然而,我们对这几个既容易搞混又容易遗忘的英语单词意思的“记忆”却仅仅局限于它们的中文意思:生(一分熟),三成熟,五分熟(半生半熟),七分熟,全熟 。

juicy什么意思中文翻译 juicy什么意思

这就涉及我们还必须学会用英语记住这些英语词汇的意思和表达,记住我们都是用到哪些学过的英语理解和表达这几个词的 。
1. 原版英语Rare:A rare steak should be warm through the center,soft to the touch(手感柔软), lightly charred(碳化) on the outside, browned(棕色) around the sides, and bright red,juicy and even bloody(血淋淋的) in the middle. The meat should be much like the raw meat, but browned over the surface.
好啦,下次我不说单词rare了,当服务员问How woukd you like your steak cooked/to be done(想几成熟)时,我用这样的英语告诉他“一分熟”:
Well,I'd like it warm through the center,soft to the touch, lightly charred on the outside, browned around the sides, bright red,juicy and still bloody in the middle.
2. 原版英语medium rare. A medium rare steak should be warm through the middle and most of the center should be pink(粉红色) in color with a hint of red. The sides should be well browned, the top and bottom cooked to dark brown(charred碳化)) with good grill marks(烧烤横条印记). This steak's firm surface should give a bit toward the middle ,but it will spring back quickly(回弹).
同样,以后我不说medium rare这个词,我同样可以通过把学过的英语用起来表达它的意思好“三分熟”:
Well,the steak is now warm through the middle, most of the center is pink in color,but still a bit red. The four sides is well browned, the top and bottom cooked to dark brown and charred.You can see good grill marks on it. This steak's middle is as firm as its surface,but it will spring back quickly.
Medium rare光记住中文“三分熟”不难,难的是直接记住这些英语及其能力 。
限于篇幅,我直接写出medium,medium well,well的英语,你自己训练挑选其中的关键词汇分别表达它们吧:
juicy什么意思中文翻译 juicy什么意思

3. 原版英语Medium:A medium-cooked steak should have a thick band of light pink through the middle,and the center should be quite dry(很干了) ,but more browned than pink. The sides should be a rich brown color and the top and bottom charred darkly (but not black). This steak should feel firm to the touch(手感很硬).
4. 原版英语Amedium well :A medium well steak is dark brown (暗棕色)on the surface,and is well charred on the top and bottom. This steak will be very stiff(硬)but still have a little soft in the center.
5. 原版英语Well done:A well done steak should not be burnt(烧焦)on the outside. While there is not the faintest hint of pink(一点粉红色也木有了) in the middle, it should be browned through, not burnt through(烤焦). This steak should feel solid to the touch(手感结实).
【juicy什么意思中文翻译 juicy什么意思】
