跟马相伯运用中文概念的方式不同,严复可能是个音译狂魔,他把liberty(自由)翻译成“里勃尔特”,另一个“自由”,freedom,翻译成了“伏利当” 。
严复的音译还包括英里(mile)“迷卢”,神经(nerve)“涅伏”,和斑马(zebra)“芝不拉” 。
看到这,你应该对而今我们熟悉的译名在此前有多少千奇百怪的译名变体有了大概了解 。不过,译者们是怎么解决这种混乱的呢?
之前提到的《教程》作者指出,应对音译外国专有名词,要秉承三个原则 。
Follow the pronunciation of the owners of proper names
It is unquestionably true that all the proper names should be transliterated from the correct pronunciation of their owners.毫无疑问,音译专有名词需要遵循其原主人的正确发音 。
The French names should be transliterated directly from the correct French pronunciation, the German names from the correct German pronunciation, and so on. 法语名要根据法语发音来音译,德语名要根据德语发音来音译,等等 。
The Chinese translations of “England”, “Paris”, “Berlin” and “Rome” are correct ones according to this rule.中文音译里的“英格兰”“巴黎”“柏林”,以及“罗马”都是遵循了这一原则 。
Use the standard pronunciation of the Chinese character
Chinese characters are all monosyllabic with a single sound. The only remedy for this great confusion in translation is to fix certain Chinese characters to a certain syllable of foreign names.汉字都是单音节的,只有一个音 。要解决音译中的混乱问题,就要固定一些汉字来对应外来专有名词中的特定音节 。
This work has been done by the Xinhua News Agency, whose achievements led to the drawing up of a list of Chinese characters for transliteration.新华社完成了这一项工作,制定了一个外文名音译对应汉字列表 。
Adopt the established popular translated names
Names such as , Bernard Shaw, Athens (/??θ?nz/), Oxford, Cambridge, etc., are either inaccurate in pronunciation or even ridiculous in translation.比方说萧伯纳、雅典、牛津、剑桥等等这类名字要么是汉字音不准确要么就是翻译上很怪诞 。
But as they have been popularly known, they are generally accepted and well established.但是因为这些名字已经很多人都有耳闻,它们已被广泛接受并已确立下来 。
We have no idea to change these names or to retranslate them. To do so, we would perhaps create new confusion among the readers.我们不会改变这些音译名亦或重译 。要是这么做了,反倒可能给读者造成新的混乱 。
现在,你应该知道怎么处理琳琅满目的外来专有名词了 。
但是不管这些专有名词在现在看来多么搞笑和奇怪,它们都是百年前的译者们打开窗,捧在手里传递下来的第一束光 。
unquestionable [?n?kwest??n?bl] adj. 无疑的;无可非议的;确实的
transliterate [tr?ns?l?t?re?t] v. 音译
monosyllabic [?m?n?s??l?b?k] a. 单音节的
remedy [?rem?di] n. 疗法;解决办法
(来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓、马文英、实习生卓青弘)
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