《战狼2》最近着实火了 。甚至在国外的一些影院也出现了一票难求的盛况 。谁都没有想到一部中国的英雄主义大片竟能掀起如此热潮 。
而这样的一部现象级电影 。自然也引起歪果小伙伴们的关注↓↓↓
美国权威影视杂志《综艺》(Variety) 就表示 。《战狼2》(Wolf Warrior 2) 的票房简直轰动全球啊!
“中国电影票房:《战狼2》登顶全球票房 。首映票房便达1.27亿美元”
而在外国各大影评网站上 。《战狼2》的评分也表现不俗↓↓↓
在北美知名影评网站烂番茄 (Rotten Tomatoes) 上 。有91%的观众为这部电影点赞!
而在专业电影评分网站IMDb上 。也打出了7.3的评分↓↓↓
在IMDb的评论区里 。更是有一票被圈粉的歪果仁:
Went to watch the movie yesterday as I heard it was a big hit in China. I am not the biggest fan of Chinese movies, but this one really impressed me. I have watched Wolf Warrior which I would consider as a good movie, but II is way much better. It is the first Chinese movie that is built on the context of African country and actually shot in South Africa, bearing the risk of suffering the disturbance on the set. The way the plot unfolds and the courage and patriotism is delivered to its audience makes it more than a simple action movie. Love this movie and will go for it a second time.“我听说《战狼2》在中国爆火 。于是昨天就去看了这部电影 。本人并不是个中国电影死忠粉 。但这部片子真的令我印象深刻 。我先前看过《战狼》 。是部好电影 。但第二部简直要好太多了 。这是首部以非洲国家为背景的中国电影 。整个剧组实际上冒着在片场遭遇动荡的风险在南非进行拍摄 。情节的展开方式 。以及片中体现出的勇气和爱国情怀都传递给了观众 。让这部电影不仅仅是一部简单的动作片 。超爱这部电影 。决定二刷!”
这位澳大利亚网友打出了8星的分数:超赞的动作片 。让人想起了上世纪90年代的成龙经典电影~
The film's biggest draw, of course, is Chinese action-superstar Wu Jing. As a leading man, Wu Jing is kind of a perfect package. He has the pretty-boy looks to draw the female crowd but also a natural, convincing tough-guy persona. As a trained martial artist he has the physicality of Donnie Yen and the on screen charisma of Jet Li. Most importantly, Jing plays the kind of action hero that's just all too rare these days, the one that takes just as much punishment as he dishes it. Yet he sells it with the kind of world-class commitment that is simply awe-inspiring, like Jackie Chan or Tom Cruise who repeatedly endanger themselves simply to entertain their audience. It's all rather impressive until you realize he also directed the movie. “这部电影最大的吸引力当然就在于中国动作巨星吴京 。作为主演 。吴京的一切堪称完美 。他有着让女性观众移不开眼的英俊外貌 。但也有着浑然天成、令人信服的硬汉气质 。作为一名受过系统训练的武术家 。他有着甄子丹的体格 。以及李连杰的银幕魅力 。最重要的是 。吴京所饰演的动作英雄如今看来实在太少见了 。他承受了太多的攻击 。但却以世界级的(工作)投入处之 。令人钦佩 。他就像成龙和阿汤哥那样 。无数次置自己于险境 。只是为了满足观众 。当你意识到吴京还是这部电影的导演时 。这部电影实在不能更惊艳了 。”
(港真 。这位歪果仁盆友 。你一定是吴京的迷弟/妹吧)
这位来自美国的网友也给出了9分的高分:如果你爱真正的经典动作片的话 。你会喜欢这部电影的!
Been waiting for a real action film for a while.“坐等一部真正的动作片已经有一阵儿了 。”I was impressed. Its' very rare that a sequel surpasses the original, but Wolf Warriors 2 does exactly that.“(这部片)令我印象相当深刻 。续集超过了原作这点很少见 。但《战狼2》的确做到了 。”The action was just non stop. I felt like I was watching numerous set pieces one after another. It was incredibly ambitious and it definitely paid off.“片中的动作戏一刻也没停过 。我感觉自己看了无数场动作戏 。一个接着一个 。这部电影满是雄心壮志也绝对有所成效 。”
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