健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说

饮食习惯用英语怎么说?今天我们就来学习一下吧!下面是一些常见的英语表达,大家可以参考一下哦!快来看看你能说出几个吧!如果你能说出一个,恭喜你,你已已经是“高手”了!如果你能说出两个,那就更厉害了!赶紧来看看吧!你能说出几个呢?一起来看看吧!如果你能说出两个 。

健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说

中国是美食王国,各个地方都有其特色的菜肴,粤菜,湘菜,鲁菜……等等,一说总能令人垂涎三尺 。
在英语中也有相应的单词来表达 。
那我们就来看看吧 。
foodn.things that people and animals eat 食物
You can buy good fresh food in the market. 市场里可以买到新鲜食物 。
Do you like Japanese food? 你爱吃日式料理吗?
dishn. a type of food that is cooked in a particular way 菜肴
a traditional English dish 一道传统的英格兰菜
They also offer vegetarian dishes. 他们也供应素食 。
speciality BrE【英】specialty AmE【美】 na type of food that a restaurant or place is famous for 特色食品
Fish dishes are a specialty of the region.
鱼类菜肴是这个地区的特色 。
Home made pies are one of the hotel’s specialities. 家常馅饼是那家酒店的特色食品之一 。
delicacyn an unusual food which people in a particular place like to eat 〔某地的〕美食,佳肴
The local delicacies include laverbread (boiled seaweed). 当地美食中有紫菜燕麦煎饼 。
dietn the type of food that someone usually eats 日常饮食
You shouldn’t have too much salt in your diet.
日常饮食不该摄入过多的盐 。
In the Andes, the main diet is beans, potatoes, and corn. 安第斯山区的主食是豆类、马铃薯和玉米 。
cookingn food made in a particular way, or by a particular person 〔用某种 *** 或由某人烹调的〕菜
Herbs are used a lot in French cooking.
法国菜中经常使用香草 。
I love my Mum’s home cooking.
我爱吃妈妈做的家常菜 。
cuisinen. formal【正式】 the food you can eat in a particular restaurant, country, or area 〔某一餐厅、国家或地区的〕菜肴
Italian cuisine 意大利菜
Trying the local cuisine is all part of the fun of travelling. 品尝地方菜肴是旅游的全部乐趣所在 。
nutritionn food considered as something that is necessary for good health and growth 营养物
a book on nutrition 一本关于营养的书
Many homeless people suffer from poor nutrition.
许多无家可归者营养不良 。
nourishmentn. goodness that you get from food, which helps your body to stay healthy 营养
There’s not much nourishment in fast food.快餐没多大营养 。
faren. formal【正式】 the kind of food that is served in a place – used especially when saying how interesting it is 〔某地的〕饭菜〔尤指其富有趣味〕
In China you can feast on bird’s nest soup and other exotic fare.在中国,你可以尽情享用燕窝以及其他具有异域风味的食物 。
接下来,让我们来了解一些英语中食物的种类type s o
fast food:food such as HAMBURGERs, which is prepared quickly and which you can take away with you to eat 快餐,速食
例:He ballooned to 300lbs on a diet of fast food.他常吃快餐,体重快速升到300磅 。
健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说

junk food:food that is full of sugar or fat, and is bad for your health 垃圾食品〔指糖或脂肪含量极高的食品〕
例:I used to eat loads of junk food.
我过去经常吃很多垃圾食品 。
