
上周 。加拿大联邦快速通道Express Entry进行了2次移民邀请 。分别只单独邀请了PNP省提名(第147次)移民类别529人 。最低分718分和CEC经验类移民(第148次)3371人 。最低分447分 。


如今可以看出 。自疫情发生以来 。加拿大联邦技术移民在邀请申请人时 。均为CEC经验类移民 。没有邀请过海外的申请人即FSW技术移民类 。因此 。ee的邀请分数 。一直处于下降趋势 。本次的447分也是自2019年1月以来第一次低于450分 。因此CEC类申请人应该把握机会 。趁此期间 。赶紧申请 。毕竟机会不可多得 。

但可以预见的是 。疫情早晚会过去 。因为疫情一直获得不到邀请计划的FSW类技术移民申请人 。因为长时间的累计 。邀请分数估计是再创新高 。因此想要技术移民加拿大FSW类申请人可以常识其他方式移民加拿大 。比如留学移民、雇主担保移民或者投资创业移民 。
第147次PNP省提名邀请详情:Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #147 – May 13, 2020
Provincial Nominee Class
See full text of Ministerial Instruction
Number of invitations issued: 529Footnote*
Rank required to be invited to apply: 529th or above
Date and time of round: May 13, 2020 at 13:11:44 UTC
CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 718
Tie-breaking rule: March 19, 2020 at 12:53:21 UTC
If more than one candidate has the lowest score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profiles.
第148次CEC经验类移民邀请详情:【加拿大ee联邦技术移民第148次邀请:邀请分数为447分】Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #148 – May 14, 2020
Canadian Experience Class
See full text of Ministerial Instruction
Number of invitations issued: 3,371Footnote*
Rank required to be invited to apply: 3,371th or above
Date and time of round: May 15, 2020 at 12:46:53 UTC
CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 447
Tie-breaking rule: December 23, 2019 at 10:01:06 UTC
If more than one candidate has the lowest score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profiles.
*Candidates from the Canadian Experience Class were eligible for this round of invitations.
