据CTV News昨日(6月8日)报道 。加拿大总理杜鲁多宣布加拿大联邦政府将对现行边境限制进行一定程度的放宽 。允许公民或永久居民的直系亲属进入加拿大(没有新冠症状 。也没有理由相信感染了新冠病毒) 。入境后必须在亲属处自我隔离14天 。此前 。即使是一些豁免的情形 。非公民和永久居民通常也需要证明他们的旅行是必要的(essential purpose)才能入境加拿大 。
【加拿大边境政策放宽:公民或永久居民的直系亲属可以入境】(点击图片:免费移民评估 , 只需30s匹配适合您的移民方案)
(点击图片:免费移民评估 , 只需30s匹配适合您的移民方案)
June 8, 2020 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Border Services Agency
The Government of Canada remains committed to protecting the health and safety of Canadians and reducing the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. The Government recognizes however that the temporary border measures put in place to fight the spread of COVID-19, while necessary, have created challenges for some families.
The Government has therefore been looking at ways to keep families together and support unity while respecting the need for continued vigilance and border measures at this time.
The Canada Border Services Agency is announcing that as of June 8, 2020 23:59 EDT, foreign nationals who are immediate family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents, and who do not have COVID-19 or exhibit any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or who do not have reason to believe they have COVID-19, will be exempt from the prohibition on entry to Canada if entering to be with an immediate family member for a period of at least 15 days.
Foreign nationals who are admitted into Canada pursuant to this exemption must quarantine for 14 days.
An immediate family member refers to a person’s:
a) spouse or common-law partner;
b) dependent child, as defined in section 2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, or a dependent child of the person’s spouse or common-law partner;
c) dependent child, as defined in section 2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, of a dependent child referred to in paragraph (b):
d) parent or step-parent or the parent or step-parent of the person’s spouse or common-law partner;
e) guardian or tutor.
All foreign nationals who have COVID-19 or exhibit any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 continue to remain prohibited from entering Canada.
This change does not apply to immediate family members of temporary residents in Canada, such as those on a student or work visa.
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