加拿大Express Entry快速通道第152次邀请分数437

加拿大时间6月11日 。加拿大Express Entry快速通道进行第152次邀请 。本次邀请再次只邀请了加拿大经验类(CEC)申请人 。本次邀请人数共计3559人 。最低分数437 。

加拿大Express Entry快速通道第152次邀请分数437

加拿大CEC经验类类别的邀请分数持续下降 。符合条件的申请人千万要抓住机会 。疫情过后 。加拿大ee邀请恢复正常的话 。因为疫情积累的FSW类申请人将能够正常获得邀请 。邀请分数也会自然上涨 。
加拿大Express Entry快速通道第152次邀请分数437

Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #152 – June 11, 2020
Canadian Experience Class
See full text of Ministerial Instruction
Number of invitations issued: 3,559*
Rank required to be invited to apply: 3,559th or above
Date and time of round: June 11, 2020 at 13:33:58 UTC
CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 437
Tie-breaking rule: May 25, 2020 at 00:31:43 UTC
【加拿大Express Entry快速通道第152次邀请分数437】If more than one candidate has the lowest score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profiles.Footnotes*Candidates from the Canadian Experience Class were eligible for this round of invitations.
