课前三分钟英语小故事 三分钟英语小故事

三分钟英语小故事:1.一只狐狸在森林里散步 , 看见一只兔子 。他想:这只兔子一定很可爱 , 于是他走过去问:“你是谁?”兔子回答说:“我是狐狸 。”狐狐狸说:你长得真漂亮 , 我喜欢你 。于是狐狸把兔子带回家 , 给它洗澡 , 喂它吃东西 , 还给它取名叫小白兔 。过了一段时间 , 狐狸发现小白兔不见见了 , 狐狸急得团团转 , 四处寻找 , 最后在一棵树上发现了奄奄一息的小白兔 。
【课前三分钟英语小故事 三分钟英语小故事】The Voice
A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into her room and said "l heard that too."

课前三分钟英语小故事 三分钟英语小故事

声音一个女孩听她妈妈在楼下喊她的名字 , 所以她站起来开始往下走 。当她走上楼梯时 , 她妈妈把她拉进房间说:“我也听到了 。”
Revealing Dead
I always thought my cat had a staring problem - she always seemed fixated on my face. Until one day, when I realized that she was always looking just behind me.
课前三分钟英语小故事 三分钟英语小故事

看到逝者我一直认为我的猫有盯着我看的问题——她似乎总是盯着我的脸 。直到有一天 , 我意识到她总是在我身后看着我 。
Baby in dark
There's nothing like the laughter of a baby. Unless it's 1 a.m. and you're home alone.
黑暗中的婴儿婴儿的笑声似乎无可比拟 。除非是凌晨1点 , 你一个人在家 。
