和外国人聊天聊什么 和外国人聊天( 三 )

即使在公司活动上,询问关于职位和工作时间也是很好的开场白 。
25. Tell me about something that made you laugh this week.
告诉我这星期让你开心的事情吧 。
Everyone loves a good laugh! Asking about something that brought on a chuckle makes anyone*** ile.
人人都爱笑!讨论点有趣的事能让人开怀一笑 。
26. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
A bit more direct, but asking a specific question that requires thought can really make an impression.
这问题有点直接,不过需要思考的问题通常能给人留下印象 。
27. How are you today?
Sure, this is a no-brainer question, but it gets people talking.
好吧,这问题有点没水准,但总能让人说点什么 。
28. Where is the best place you have ever visited?
Taking a vacation is always wonderful. Asking someone new about a favorite destination is always an easy way to start talking.
假期绝对是个好话题,而问人们最喜欢的地方让谈话很容易就开始 。
29. Did you hear about (something trending in the news)?
Pick something pretty generic, remembering to stay away from politics and religion, and the conversation will get rolling.
挑一点比较大众的问题,记住不要提起政治和宗教,这样对话就会开始了 。
30. So, what's your story?
OK, this one is borderline pick-up line, but it's also a direct approach for chatting.
这个开场白不要轻易采用,不过也不失为一个让对方开口的 ***。
31. This place is awesome! Have you been here before?
Complimenting the venue is a positive way to chat with others.
称赞场地也是打开话匣子的好 ***。
32. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
Just don't roar after asking! This question is also a fun and light way to break the ice.
问完问题以后,千万别大笑 。这是个有趣又轻松的话题 。
33. If you could invite a famous person over for dinner, who would it be?
Also an often-used convo starter, this question has lasted the test of time, which makes it a winner anywhere, anytime.
同样是个经典问题,但毕竟经过时间的考验,在任何时间,任何地点都是适用的 。
34. What's your favorite holiday?
Open and generic, a basic question is an easy way to start mingling.
普通的问题最能开始一段对话 。

和外国人聊天聊什么 和外国人聊天

35. What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten?
Here's another fun question that gets people talking! And it's a great question to use when you feel awkward joining a group that's already chatting.
这又是个让人说话的有趣问题!当别人已经在讨论时,这个问题能帮你化解尴尬 。
36. What is one thing you couldn't live without?
Wine? Chocolate? Bread? There's no wrong answer to this question, which makes it another winner.
酒?巧克力?面包?这个问题没有固定答案,这也是为什么这是个好问题的原因了 。
37. Have you ever won anything?
It feels good when you win something, so asking someone about this special moment encourages sharing.
能赢得什么总令人开心,所以问问别人的类似经历,这有助于互相分享 。
