和外国人聊天聊什么 和外国人聊天

和外国人聊天,这样的场景在中国很常见 。不过,你知道吗?在国外,也有一些人喜欢用英语交流,甚至还有人用英语写作 。今天,我们就来看看这些外国网友是怎么说的吧 。他们的文章很有趣,一起来看看吧 。(编译/清风)-《 *** 文摘集锦:中国人在英语世界的地位日益提高,你怎么么看?--译者注) 。这篇文章的主题是:为什么中国人越来越喜欢英语?我们可以从中学到什么?以及如何才能学好英语 。
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1.Where did you grow up?
This is a great icebreaker that gets someone talking about the past, which often puts others at ease.
这是非常好的一句开场白,可以让对方谈论起过去,这样对话双方会比较轻松 。
2. Do you have any pets?
【和外国人聊天聊什么 和外国人聊天】你养宠物吗?
People love their pets, and inquiring about them encourages further conversation. And, even if the person you're chatting with doesn't have any, it's still a good start.
人们都喜欢宠物,问起他们的宠物能让对话进行下去 。即使对方没有宠物,这也不失为一个好的开场白 。
3. What's your favorite book?
Instead of asking what people are reading right now, which can be a bit too intimate, asking about a book they love can create a mutual connection.
如果直接询问对方正在阅读的书,显得太过亲密 。而问他们喜欢的书利于在彼此之间建立联系 。
4. What's the first thing you do after work?
Do you kick off your shoes? Hit the gym? Asking how people relax makes them feel relaxed.
是踢掉鞋子?去健身?问人们如何放松能让他们感到愉快 。
5. What's your dream job?
Even at a corporate gathering, inquiring about someone's dream job is a fun way to get a conversation started.
即使是在公司聚会上,问理想职业也是开始对话的一种有效方式 。
6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Not everyone gets to travel tons, making this a fun question for anyone.
不是每个人都有机会到处旅行,这个问题能让大家都开心起来 。
7. What countries have you traveled to?
Even if you haven't traveled the world, asking if others have encourages someone to share memories.
即使你没有出去旅游过,问问别人可以让他们分享回忆 。
8. Do you like to cook?
Asking about favorite dishes and culinary adventures sparks delicious dishing.
问问对方最喜欢的菜肴,烹饪方面的经历总能引起有趣的话题 。
9. What's your favorite food?
Everyone eats, making this an icebreaker that works anywhere, anytime.
民以食为天,这个问题百试不灵 。
10. What's your favorite drink?
A wonderfully basic question, asking about best-loved beverages works at any gathering.
绝妙的常规问题 。任何聚会上问这个问题总不会错 。
11. Do you have a favorite local restaurant?
This is a great conversation to get people talking about their favorite local hangouts, which puts everyone at ease.
这个问题能让人们谈论起日常休闲的地方,使大家放松 。
12. What's your favorite movie?
You can find out a lot about a person when you chat about a favorite movie. Follow it up with specific questions, such as scene stealers and actors in the flick.
