和外国人聊天聊什么 和外国人聊天( 四 )

38. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Slightly personal without requiring too much info, asking others about their family is a*** art way to make connections.
有点私人,但又不会透露太多信息 。询问对方的家庭能快速的和他建立起联系 。
39. Have you ever met anyone famous?
A brush with a famous person is always a thrill, making talking about it with a stranger a fun icebreaker.
和名人擦身而过总令人兴奋,和陌生人讨论这个话题再适合不过 。

和外国人聊天聊什么 和外国人聊天

40. Do you prefer texting, calling, or emailing?
你是倾向于发短信,打 *** ,还是发邮件呢?
This is actually a great question to ask someone after you have made a connection. Follow up by asking for your new friend's phone number or email address.
如果你和对方熟悉起来的话,这绝对是个好问题 。之后你就可以问问新朋友的 *** 号码和邮箱了 。
版权声明 |本文来源于常青教育资讯(微信号:changqingjy) 。版权归原作者所有,海外导师诚意推荐 。
