用相当于造句子四年级,对比 用相当于造句

用相当于造句的方式,让孩子自己写出一句话 。这样不仅锻炼了孩子的语言表达能力,还能培养孩子的逻辑思维能力 。但是有些家长可能觉得,这样的作文难免会出现错别字,所以就不让孩子这样写 。其实,这样的做法是不对的 。因为这样的作文,会让孩子的文章显得非常空洞,没有内容 。如果想想要让孩子写出好的作文,就要注意以下几点 。首先,要有自己的思想,不要一味地模仿别人的写作方式 。其次,要多读书,多积累素材 。

用相当于造句子四年级,对比 用相当于造句

7下 Unit 1 Reading课堂笔记
一、I live in a town 15 miles from London.我住在离伦敦15英里远的一个城镇上 。
1.mile,意为“英里”,复数形式为miles,1英里约等于1.6千米 。
2.“基数词+mile(s)+ (away) + from + 地点”意为“离某地.....英里”
例:My home is 2 miles (away) from my school.
二、My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.我和家人经常坐在那里喝杯茶 。
1.family,集体名词,意为“家人;家庭” 。指家庭时一般用单数;指家人时一般用复数 。
2.family, home和house的区别?
三、I always have fun with my dog there.我总是和我的狗在那儿玩得很开心 。
1.have fun with*** .
2.have fun doing sth. = have a good time doing sth.
3.It is fun to do sth.
四、I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow.我住在莫斯科市中心的一个公寓里 。
in the centre of... 意为“在......的中心”
例:The library is in the centre of the school.
五、I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.
1.look out at 意为“向外眺望”,由look out和look at两个短语组合而成 。
例:He stands at the window and looks out at the busy street.
2.look out of...看......的外面 。例:He is looking out of the window.
【用相当于造句子四年级,对比 用相当于造句】3.look out 意为“小心” 。= be careful. 例:Look out! A car is coming.
六、I share a bedroom with my sister.我和我妹妹合住一间卧室 。share-shares-sharing
1.= My sister and I share a bedroom.
2.share sth. with*** .
七、I have my own bedroom and bathroom...我有我自己的卧室和浴室......
1.own,形容词,意为“自己的”,常在名词所有格或形物代后,表示“某人自己的”,常和of one’s own 互换 。
例:Millie has her own bedroom. = Millie has a bedroom of her own.
2.own还可作动词,意为“拥有”,相当于have 。own-owns
例:Tom owns a bike.
3.owner, 名词,意为“拥有者” 。例:Tom is the owner of this bike.
八、The bathroom is the best place to chat and watch TV.浴室是聊天和看电视的最好的地方 。
the best place to do sth.意为“做某事的最好的地方”,可作后置定语 。
例:Suzhou is the best place to visit in spring.
例:I have a lot of homework to do at weekends.
