元素周期表中的第51号元素是锑(Sb),其原子序数为51,原子量为121.76 。锑是一种非金属元素,常见的化合物有氧化锑和锑矿石 。锑虽然不是人体必需元素,但是其在医学和工业上有广泛的应用,如制造半导体、防火材料、化学催化剂等 。锑的化学性质比较活泼,可以和氧、硫等元素反应,因此需要注意其安全使用 。
>China rolls out five-year plan on family education
![元素周期51号是什么意思怎么读 元素周期51号是什么意思[呲牙]](http://img.readke.com/230719/1J2195T0-0.jpg)
A soccer coach teaches a group of girls in Shawan city, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, with the aim of setting up a team for local youngsters. [HU HUHU/XINHUA]
【元素周期51号是什么意思怎么读 元素周期51号是什么意思[呲牙]】A five-year plan on the guidance and development of family education has been released by 11 agencies, including the Ministry of Education and the All-China Women's Federation. The ultimate goal is to build a guidance system for family education that serves both urban and rural areas, improve the mechani ***of school-family-community cooperative education, and ensure that children can grow up healthy, according to the plan.
全国妇联、教育部等11个部门近日印发《关于指导推进家庭教育的五年规划 (2021—2025 年)》,把构建覆盖城乡的家庭教育指导服务体系、健全学校家庭社会协同育人机制、促进儿童健康成长确立为今后一个时期家庭教育发展的根本目标 。
By 2025, the number of guidance service providers for family education will be increased substantially, a professional workforce will be formed, and the supply of related social resources will be greater.
规划明确,到2025年,各类家庭教育指导服务阵地数量明显增加,稳定规范专业的指导服务队伍基本建立,公共服务资源供给更加充分 。
>China home to 40% of world's hydrogen refueling stations
![元素周期51号是什么意思怎么读 元素周期51号是什么意思[呲牙]](http://img.readke.com/230719/1J2191505-1.jpg)
A worker checks on hydrogen tanks slated for use at the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics at a factory in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, on Nov 11. [LI MINGFA/FOR CHINA DAILY]
China has completed the construction of over 250 hydrogen refueling stations, accounting for about 40 percent of the global total, as it strives to fulfill its pledge to develop hydrogen energy to tackle climate change, according to an energy official.
国家能源局科技司副司长刘亚芳近日表示,我国加快推进氢能产业发展以应对气候变化,目前已累计建成加氢站超过250座,约占全球数量的40% 。
The country is also developing projects in producing hydrogen from renewable energy and reducing the cost of water electrolysis, said Liu Yafang, an official with the National Energy Administration.
可再生能源制氢项目积极推进,电解水制氢成本稳中有降 。
Over 6,000 vehicles on the road are installed with hydrogen fuel cells, accounting for 12 percent of the global total, Liu added.
正在运营的以氢燃料电池为动力的车辆数量超过6000辆,约占全球运营总量的12% 。
>China's Bond Connect market remains vibrant in March
A clerk counts cash at a bank in Nantong, Jiangsu province. [Photo/Sipa]
The monthly trading volume under China's Bond Connect program reached 647.8 billion yuan, with the average daily turnover at 28.2 billion yuan, data released by Bond Connect Co showed.
债券通公司最新发布的债券通运行报告显示,3月份债券通北向通共成交6478亿元人民币,日均交易量达282亿元人民币 。
The program saw a total of 9,142 trade tickets last month. Chinese government bonds and policy financial bonds were investors' major focus, accounting for 51 percent and 33 percent of monthly trading volume, respectively.
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