我以为王浩然钢琴谱 我以为王浩然歌曲( 二 )

曹志在上海一家广告公司从事了三年设计工作 。到了2007年,他积累了足够经验和资金,于是开办了自己的工作室 。
He landed a job as a designer at an advertisement company and worked there for three years. By 2007, Cao had gained adequate experience and saved enough money to open his own studio in the city.
“直播十分流行,出于好玩我也开始涉足”,曹志说 。直播间观众却很少,有些让人失望 。就在准备放弃时,他在网上偶然了解到了图像变形艺术,网上也叫做3D立体画 。“我从来没见过类似作品,难以置信,我想尝试一下”,他回忆到 。
"Livestreaming was a rage, and I dabbled in it for fun," Cao says. The turnout on the ground was disappointingly thin. Just when he was about to give up, Cao chanced upon anamorphic art, also known as 3D painting, online. "I had never seen anything like it before. It was mind-boggling and I wanted to give it a go," he recalls.
但是在国内这还是个比较新的领域 。曹志在网上没有搜到教程,但他没有被困难吓倒,开始自己摸索,每天练习五六个小时,终于搞清了3D立体画和传统美术的区别 。他经过不断尝试,最终掌握了其中奥秘 。“简单地说,你需要把创作对象画得更高和更长”,他谈到 。
据扬子晚报报道,曹志以画一个杯子为例解释,原本画素描作品的时候,杯子的杯口一定是椭圆形的,但是画3D画的时候就需要画成圆形,整个图形要比普通绘画的时候更高一些,呈现出头大脚小的形态,画完之后再斜着拍照,就能呈现出立体感了 。
曹志大概用了一个多月掌握技术 。“没有人教我,我不得不自己摸索,所以绕了很多弯路 。我觉得学习艺术的最好途径就是不断地学习和练习” 。
"No one was there to teach me. I had to explore on my own, so there were many detours. I guess the best way to learn the art is through constant study and practice," he says.
2018年,曹志发布了第一部作品的视频 —— 3D玫瑰,这条视频很快获得100多万观看量 。“这极大鼓舞了我的信心,我开始花费更多时间去打磨 。”
In late 2018, Cao released his first 3D work, a red rose, and it immediately drew more than 1 million views online. "It was a huge boost for my confidence, and I began spending more time perfecting the art," he says.
曹志完成一幅比较复杂些的作品大约要用5个小时 。
“目的在于激发兴趣,传递信息 。3D画的创作离不开科学,需要足够耐心 。但是如果你愿意付出努力,就会有惊人的成果”,曹志说 。
"The objective is to pique interest and convey a message. Creating 3D art involves science and takes a great deal of patience, but if you are willing to put in the effort, the results can be stunning," he adds.
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