水基润滑剂品牌( 二 )

[1]Milford,C. et al. “Lubrication and Vaginal Sex: Lubricant Use and Preferences in General Population Women and Women at Risk of HIV.”Archives of Sexual Behavior 49 (2020):2103-2116.
[2]Waetjen L Elaine et al. Factors associated with developing vaginal dryness symptoms in women transitioning through menopause:a longitudinal study.[J].Menopause (New York,N.Y.),2018,25(10):1094-1104.
[3]Chow,E.et al.“Saliva use as a lubricant for***sex is a risk factor for rectal gonorrhoea among men who have sex with men,a new public health message: a cross-sectional survey.”Sexually Tran *** itted Infections 92 (2016):532 - 536.
【水基润滑剂品牌】[4]Leiblum Sandra R et al. Vaginal dryness:a comparison of prevalence and interventions in 11 countries.[J].The journal of sexual medicine,2009,6(9) :2425-33.
