英语人物描写作文,这篇文章写的是一个女孩,她的名字叫阿丽塔 。阿丽塔是一个机器人,她有着非常强大的力量,可以轻松的打败怪兽,但是她的身体却是非常脆弱的,经常会受伤 。这个时候,有一个人出现了,他就是小丑 。小丑帮助阿丽塔恢复了健康,还教她如何保护自己 。在这个过程中,两个上了对方 。但是,他们的身份不允许他们在一起 。阿丽塔是一个天生的怪物,她的力量非常强大,而小丑只是一个普通人 。
1、描写人物的英语单词?描写外貌的有beautiful(漂亮的) handsome(帅气的)cool ugly(丑陋的)short 矮tall 高
overweight 胖plump 丰满thin 瘦skinny太瘦了slim 苗条medium height 不胖不瘦
tubby 矮胖muscular 强壮elegantly 优雅good-looking 长的好看plain 长的一般
*** artly dressed 穿着得体well dressed 穿的漂亮
neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁
【英语人物描写句子 英语人物描写作文】描写性格的有 lazy 懒的punctual 守时的kind 善良的efficient 办事高效率的strict 严厉的
generous 慷慨的,大方的patient 有耐心的forgetful 健忘的reliable 可靠的
boring 无聊的open-minded 思想开放的traditional 思想保守的,传统的
2、用英语描述西游记中的人物特点?1、Monkey magic strength, Dior unruly, heavy bonds of friendship.——孙悟空法力高强,桀骜不驯,重情义 。
2、Zang Confuciani ***weak personality, hypocrisy, fear of death, beyond the lack of understanding, kindness goodness, but not be able to tell right from wrong.——唐三藏个性儒弱,伪善怕死,缺乏超越的理解,善良仁慈,却不能够明辨是非 。
3、Pig lust, lazy.——猪八戒好色,好吃懒做 。
4、Drifting honest, hard working.——沙僧憨厚任劳任怨 。
3、用英语写一篇关于猪八戒的形象 。大约50词左右?His name is Piggie,he's very fat,and he is a lazy man.He is always eat and sleep all day and doesn't like work.But on the other hand,he's honest and tolerant,he is liked by some people.
4、用英文写孙悟空的外貌和性格?Wu Kong has many positive aspects to his personality. For one, Wu Kong is a confident, optimistic person. He doesn't just go down when he faces hardships, he devises ways to overcome them, putting a*** ile on his face
5、介绍张艺谋的英语作文?Zhang Yimou (张艺谋 born November 14, 1950) is a Chinese filmmaker and cinematographer who made his directorial debut in 1987 with the film Red Sorghum.
Most of his films up to the mid-nineties featured the Chinese actress Gong Li (巩利). Gong and Zhang's romantic relationship ended during production of Shanghai Triad; the two have not collaborated since finishing that film.
Hero (英雄 2003)
Happy Times (幸福时光 2000)
The Road Home (我的父亲母亲 1999)
Not One Less (一个都不能少 1999)
Keep Cool (有话好好说 1997)
Lumière and Company (1995)
Shanghai Triad (摇呀摇,摇到外婆桥 1995)
To Live (活著 1994)
The Story of Qiu Ju (秋菊打官司 1992)
Raise the Red Lantern (大红灯笼高高挂 1992)
Ju Dou (菊豆 1991)
Codename Cougar (代号“美洲豹” 1989)
Red Sorghum (红高梁 1987)
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