快乐的近义词是什么词?快乐的近义词是什么 二年级( 二 )

意思是形容某人快乐和乐观 。他们的快乐能从脸上和举止上看出来 。开朗的人通常总是微笑 。
I love hanging out with Beth, she’s always so cheerful.
我喜欢和贝丝在一起,她总是那么快乐 。
He was so cheerful, it looked like he was skipping through the streets.
他非常高兴,在街上蹦蹦跳跳 。
You have such a cheery personality.
你的性格很活泼 。
2. Merry and Jolly
Means that someone is cheerful, and you can see the joy on their face. It can also be used to hope that someone has a good day. It is often used to wish someone a Merry Christmas.
意思某人是快乐的,你可以看到他们脸上的喜悦 。它也可以用来祝福某人过得愉快 。人们常常用它来祝愿某人圣诞快乐 。
People often think about a merry or jolly person being happy and always*** iling, and unfortunately they are traditionally thought of as being fat. These words are associated with Santa Claus.
人们通常认为一个愉快或快活的人是欢乐的,总是微笑的,不幸的是,他们传统上被认为是胖的 。这些词与圣诞老人有关 。
You look particularly merry today, did something good happen.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas before you leave to visit your family.
在你去拜访你的家人之前,我想祝你圣诞快乐 。
Have a jolly Christmas.
祝你圣诞快乐 。
He has a great big jolly laugh.
他开怀大笑 。
3. Joyful
Means to express great happiness for or about something. It can be used to not just express how someone feels in that moment, but also how someone feels about something.
【快乐的近义词是什么词?快乐的近义词是什么 二年级】意思是表达对于某事极大的幸福 。它不仅可以用来表达一个人在那一刻的感受,还可以用来表达一个人对某件事的感受 。
I’m feeling very joyful today.
我今天感到满心欢喜 。
Working for this company has been a joyful experience.
在这家公司工作是一次愉快的经历 。
4. Jovial
Means that someone is happy, cheerful, and lively. Jovial is almost always used to describe someone’s personality. Someone who is jovial is often very talkative and socializes with people.
意思着某人是快乐的,开朗的,活泼的 。Jovial总是用来描述某人的性格 。一个快乐的人往往很健谈,并且热爱与人交往 。
He’s so jovial. It’s fun to be around him and he talks to everyone.
他是很活泼开朗的 。和他在一起很有意思,因为他和任何人交流都很有趣 。
5. Jocular
Refers to someone who is being playful or is joking.
指的是喜欢戏谑或开玩笑的人 。
He’s in a jocular mood, he’s been telling jokes all afternoon.
他兴奋难耐,整个下午都在讲笑话 。
6. Gleeful
Refers to someone triumphantly joyful. Someone is usually gleeful after something really good happens.
指的是一个人得意洋洋地快乐 。在一些真正好的事情发生后,通常有人会喜出望外 。
After getting such a great score, she was gleeful.
在得了这么高的分数之后,她欣喜若狂 。
7. Carefree
Means that someone does not have any worries or burdensome responsibilities. It is usually used to describe someone not having to do or worry about anything, or it is described as an attitude.
意思着某人没有任何忧虑或需要负担的责任 。它通常用来描述一个人不必做任何事情或担心任何事情,或者它被描述为一种态度 。
It was nice to have a carefree vacation.
