
清明节网上扫墓英语作文怎么写?下面我们一起来看看吧!希望对大家有所帮助!祝大家节日快乐!阖家幸福!万事如意!身体健康!万事顺意!!扫墓是中国传统习俗,也是一种文化传承 。在清明节这个缅怀先人、寄托哀思的日子里,我们不妨利用碎片化时间,学习一些有关扫墓的英,让我们的生活更加丰富多彩 。
一:清明节网上扫墓英语作文【 #英语资源#导语】细雨绵绵落人间,捧花默立在墓前 。雨滴当知离人意,犹如泪水撒地面 。一杯清酒敬祖先,但愿天国人平安 。生者当知先人愿,珍惜生活每一天!以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读 。1.清明节扫墓英语作文
Today, we went to the cemetery to sweep the grave of my grandmother who has died for many years.
At seven o'clock in the morning, our family had prepared the sacrifice early and walked to grandma's cemetery in my uncle's car. About half an hour or so, we came to Diao Fangyang's nest in Xingning. After getting out of the car, I turned over a high mountain and walked through a forest towards grandma's cemetery. Finally, I came to grandma's grave. I saw that the grave was covered with tall weeds. Dad picked up a hoe to hoe the grass. Although he was very tired, dad still insisted. It can be seen how much dad cares about his dead grandmother! After hoeing the grass, we put candles, set fruit plates, burn paper money and set off firecrackers
When I had not recovered from the sound of firecrackers, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said; "Yuhao, come and talk to Grandma about your wishes." I went to the tomb, knelt down on my knees, put my hands together, and said with tears in my eyes; "Grandma, although you have died for many years, we still care about you and recall the happy time we spent together. You are like the same height as the mountain, the same flow as the water and the same size as the sky. Grandma, your spirit in heaven, please bless our family happiness! Rest in peace!" I wiped away my tears with a paper towel, then put a bunch of flowers on Grandma's grave and left reluctantly
Looking at the lush trees, free birds, all kinds of white clouds and colorful wild flowers dotted in the green grass, I gently took a breath of fresh air and seemed to enter another world.
I will remember this beautiful Qingming Festival forever!
"It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." every year on this festival, I will silently recite this poem written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.
【清明节网上扫墓英语作文清明节网上扫墓感悟】Today, my family and I went to Wuxi to visit my grandmother's grave. After arriving at Grandma's grave, each of us picked up a broom or rag to scrub grandma's portrait and tombstone. Next, we placed several bouquets of flowers, several plates of cakes and some fruits. Finally, we burn incense and burn the folded tin foil, paper money and ingots to grandma to express our thoughts and blessings to grandma. May grandma get a lot of money and a happy life in another world. I hope grandma can bless me to have a bright future. At this time, I can't help thinking of the years I spent with my grandmother. When I was very young, my grandmother hasn't died yet. At that time, although my grandmother had wrinkled face and gray hair, she loved me very much. My grandmother's kind*** ile left a deep impression on me. But now, grandma has died, but her kind face is still in my mind.
The scenery in the distance came into my eyes. Birds sang beautiful songs and golden rape flowers were everywhere. There was a scene of vitality and the recovery of all things. Qingming Festival, let us in such a special day, while remembering the past, we should also be full of hope for the future, cherish life, make our life more meaningful, and don't waste such a beautiful life. Let your every day be full, so that you will not leave regret.
