清明节网上扫墓英语作文清明节网上扫墓感悟( 四 )

At this time, the things in the jar had been turned into ashes, and then grandma poured these ashes on the grass at the door. We looked at the sky. The sky was gloomy, as if our ancestors were about to cry, and there was a sad and desolate scene everywhere
Later, we went to the grave together. We saw that some of the people were singing sad songs, some were crying loudly, and paper flowers were flying everywhere. I couldn't help crying. At this time, the sky seemed more gloomy than before.
After sweeping the tomb, we went for an outing. We saw that all kinds of plants were alive, but how could they know the sadness in our hearts!
As the saying goes, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." This festival has come, but there is no trace of rain in the clear sky, but I still take a heavy heart to worship my dead relatives and visit them.
It was a sunny day, but my heart was as heavy as a stone, because I hadn't visited them once before. I just listened to grandma every time. I wanted to visit him every time. Just then my wish came true. On the way, I was absent-minded and occasionally answered my cousin's questions. I thought to myself: Grandpa, what kind of person are you? Do you hear what I think of you?
Along the way, we picked many flowers for grandpa to make her happy and know that her granddaughter came to see her; We silently went to Grandpa's grave, and where we really went was that the stone in my heart fell, but the air seemed to solidify at once. My eyes had been staring at the tombstone. I saw Grandpa.
But when I wanted to offer flowers, my impulse on the road suddenly disappeared. It was just a simple timidity and escape. Finally, I just looked at my grandfather and left.
This Qingming Festival let me know a lot of truth, but also let me see Grandpa, Qingming Festival worship.
Another Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. With bright red scarves on our chest and a sad and heavy heart, we come to the martyrs' cemetery to remember the soldiers who died bravely for the liberation of the motherland and the peace of the people and pay tribute to their great achievements.
The martyr cemetery is so solemn and solemn, and the pines and cypresses on both sides of the door are so tall and green.
When we arrived at the martyrs' cemetery, we first lined up a neat line, and then stood in line as required. Slowly entering the gate of the cemetery, the first thing to see is the pines and cypresses standing tall, symbolizing the immortal revolutionary spirit of the martyrs. Then we held many activities. What moved me most was the silence for the martyrs. In those three minutes, I thought a lot: our happy life today was created for us by the revolutionary martyrs, and it was also exchanged for our blood. Therefore, an idea came into my mind: we should inherit the martyrs' will, study hard and strive to become the pillars of building the country.
Then, we crossed songberlin and arrived at the martyr's tomb. I made a team salute and presented white flowers to the martyrs with both hands. At this moment, I said silently in my heart, "rest in peace, martyrs. The motherland and people will always miss you." We came to the memorial hall, ah, what a magnificent stone statue! Walking into the memorial hall, there are many relics of martyrs, including models, handwriting, pictures and so on.
Through this tomb sweeping, I learned many stories of martyrs. At the same time, I also learned to cherish this hard won golden childhood.
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