清明节网上扫墓英语作文清明节网上扫墓感悟( 三 )

Adults are very filial to the elderly. They go to the cemetery to show filial piety on Qingming Festival. I think: this must be the love returned by*** s to the elderly. Therefore, we should also seriously study how to return love to our parents. This is: "whoever speaks with an inch of grass heart will get three Chunhui".
Today, dad drove our family to uncle's house. As soon as I entered the door, I heard the dog barking of "woof woof woof..." and I immediately curled up in the car like a shrinking turtle and refused to get down.
At this time, grandma came to comfort me: "it's all right. The dog doesn't bite." But I still refused to get out of the car. My mother said, "this little dog is tied; just come down." I got out of the car with hesitation. After getting out of the car, I found that I was cheated by my mother. The dog was running happily in the yard. I ran into the house like lightning when he didn't pay attention.
I never expected that the uncle would bring the dog into the house. I was terrified and yelled, and then hid under the table, but at this time, the dog ran around as if it were scared by me. The uncle said, "you see, the dog is scared by you, touch it!" Then I asked my sister to hold it to me, and I still stepped back. Mother came to the dog, squatted down and touched the dog, and said, "it doesn't bite. Look how cute it is." I said, "he's a bulldog, and even a tiger dares to fight." Mother said, "he's still young. Don't be afraid." Then I dared to touch it with one hand. It was all right. So I touched its back with my whole hand. My mother asked, "how do you feel? I said," thick and fleshy. "My mother said," you have overcome your fear. It's brave.
After this experience, I won't be so afraid of dogs anymore. I hope my "dog phobia" can be cured. "
The weather is fine today. In the afternoon, all the teachers and students of our school went to the martyrs' cemetery to visit the tomb.
We walked happily in a neat line on the road. The "leader" held a bright red school flag and fluttered in the wind. When we arrived at the martyrs' cemetery, we slowly entered in two columns. On both sides of the road were tall and green pines and cypresses, guarding the cemetery like guards. First of all, we came to the martyrs' relics exhibition room, where there were rows of glass display cabinets with old certificates of merit and military medals, as well as rusty cartridge cases and grenades. Seeing these relics, the students slowly quieted down. The trumpet was accompanied by low music, slowly telling the fighting deeds of the heroes. The students listened quietly and whispered, A heavy heart.
We walked out of the slightly dark showroom, walked in the bright sun, and came to the martyr's tomb area. The arrangement of the tombstone was like the steps of the ladder classroom, higher and higher. We stood under the steps and looked at the martyr's tomb. The students presented bouquets of flowers in front of the martyr's tomb. The counselor and teacher explained to us that the happy life now was bought by these martyrs with their lives, Our red scarf is dyed red by the blood of martyrs. We should study hard, grow up and serve our motherland. Everyone has been deeply educated.
After sweeping the martyr's tomb, we lined up and returned to school.
I remember last year's Tomb Sweeping Day, I went to my grandmother's house in the countryside, where my whole family went to worship our ancestors.
At first, Grandpa and grandma cleaned the living room, and then brought the freshly cooked fish and other meals to the table. Then grandma lit candles in the middle of the table, and finally put a straw mat on the ground in front of the table. After setting these, our whole family kowtowed and prayed that our ancestors would live happily in another world, And bless our family all the year round.
After everyone kowtowed, grandma found a large vat, poured all the paper money she had folded a few days ago into the VAT, sprinkled a kind of sacrificial grass in it, and then lit a fire to burn the things in the VAT... In an instant, the whole family stopped talking, stared at the burning fire and prayed in her heart, Pray that our ancestors will take all their paper money to another world, pray that they will live a better life in that world, and bless our family happiness and peace. When my brother saw that the*** s stopped talking, he burst into a cry of "wow", which added a bit of sadness.
