韩国收视率最高的综艺节目,收视率最高的综艺节目排名( 六 )

和其他互联网公司一样 , 奈飞的裁员也在进行着 。2022年5月-6月 , 奈飞两次宣布裁员 , 共计裁掉了约450名正式员工 。
面对庞大的市场 , 环伺的对手 , 和萎缩的全球经济 , 此刻奈飞的处境 , 与《黑暗荣耀》结尾处并肩站立的文东恩、周汝正一样——更艰难的故事 , 也许才刚刚开始 。
▲ 图 / 《黑暗荣耀》
[1]《王国》成爆款 , 但奈飞的亚洲之路依旧漫长
[2]Netflix makes a*** art bet on the Korean drama trade.https://www.ft.com/content/1dbdd237-5e21-4f49-9a9e-0ea0171544ad
[3]How Netflix Became the Go-to Streamer for K-Dramas.https://collider.com/Netflix -k-drama-go-to-streamer/
[4]Netflix Reveals Profitability in South Korea.https://variety.com/2021/biz/asia/Netflix -reveals-profitability-south-korea
[5]Female Forward: Korean Dramas Evolve With More Women Screenwriters and Complex Protagonists.https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/women-korean-drama-series-screenwriter-success
[6]Netflix Wants You to Binge Watch More Korean Dramas - WSJ.https://www.wsj.com/articles/奈飞-wants-you-to-binge-watch-more-korean-dramas-11614239854
[8]Netflix and Platform Imperiali *** : How Netflix Alters the Ecology of the Korean TV Drama Industry.https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/viewFile/18468/3985
[9]网飞(奈飞)在韩国参与式传播的影视实践与探索.中国电视电影产业 张燕 赖缨
文章为每日人物原创 , 侵权必究 。
