经典的短句语录有哪些?( 三 )

学校的厕所隔板上第一行写着:我们都一样 。年轻又彷徨 。下方有人回复:我们不一样 。梦想会让每个人发不同的光(The first line on the school toilet partition reads: we are all the same, young and hesitating. We are different. Dreams make everyone shine differently)


我喝过最烈的酒 。也放过最不该放的手;从前不回头 。往后不将就 。(I have drunk the strongest wine, let go of the hands that should not be let go; Never look back in the past, never make do with it in the future.)
你好!方便借一生说话吗?余生洗耳恭听 。(Hello! Is it convenient for me to talk? I'll listen for the rest of my life.)
你为什么不恋爱了 。因为没有一见钟情的皮囊 。也没有日渐生情的耐心(Why don't you fall in love? Because you don't have the skin of love at first sight and the patience of growing love)

孤独是什么?是洗了个头 。梳了一个漂亮的发型 。换了双干净的鞋子 。穿了一件帅气的衣服 。然后去楼下买了一瓶可乐就回来了 。(What is loneliness? I washed my hair, combed a beautiful hairstyle, changed a pair of clean shoes, and wore a handsome dress. Then I went downstairs and bought a coke and came back.)
生活那么琐碎 。充满沮丧和无意义 。但我还是想见你(Life is so trivial, full of frustration and meaninglessness, but I still want to see you)
如果暴富像长胖一样容易就好了(If only it were as easy to get rich as to gain weight)
可怜你一身傲骨 。活得连狗都不如(Poor you are so proud that you don't live as well as a dog)

看戏的人都哭了 。那故事里的人该有多痛?(All the people at the theatre cried. How painful should the people in the story be?)
我来时高傲又可爱 。我走时自卑又无奈(When I come here, I am proud and lovely. When I leave, I feel inferior and helpless)
我明明很善良 。会给乞丐给钱 。会给老人孕妇让座 。无论做什么我都会说谢谢 。可世间万般苦 。没有一件事放过我 。(I am very kind, will give money to beggars, will give seats to elderly pregnant women, no matter what I do, I will say thank you, but the world is so bitter, there is nothing to let me go.)

我遇到了一个很难忘的人 。他让我期待明天却没有出现在我的明天;后来他重返人海再次与我远隔山川 。却变成我的意难平(I met a very unforgettable person, he let me look forward to tomorrow, but did not appear in my tomorrow; Later, he returned to the sea of people, once again far away from me, but it became difficult for me to calm down)
我们生而破碎 。用活着来修修补补(We are born broken and mended by living)
她结婚那天本来想带一群兄弟去砸场子的 。可是看到她穿着婚纱 。特别特别的美 。于是我结结巴巴地说:祝你幸福(On her wedding day, she wanted to take a group of brothers to smash the show, but when she saw that she was wearing a wedding dress with special beauty, I stammered and said: I wish you happiness)

听说点赞和关注的人都会有好运 。(It's said that people who praise and pay attention will have good luck.)
【经典的短句语录有哪些?】晚安了 。亲亲们 。好句子太多了 。一时半会写不完 。有空了给大家继续在这里分享 。
