
1. “As You Wish.”
— The Princess Pride《公主新娘》
这是一句魔咒 。会勾去人心哦
2. “You make me want to be a better man.”
—As Good As It Gets《尽善尽美》
女人能让男人 。妻子能让丈夫达到的最高境界
3. “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.”
—Moulin Rouge《红磨坊》
最伟大的事情 。莫过于去爱 。同时也被爱
4. \"Soon, I'll catch you\"
—The English Patient《英国病人》
很快 。你会被我套牢
5. “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.”
—The Notebook《恋恋笔记本》
如果你是一只鸟 。我也将是一只鸟
用中文表达 。是不是感觉怪怪的?
6. “I will return. I will find you. Love you. Marry you. And live without shame.”
我要回去 。找到你 。爱你 。和你结婚 。毫无羞耻地去生活
美国西部片里的英雄常说:去你X的 。我将自由地生活;每次听到都觉得荡气回肠!
7. \"I Love you\" \"I know\"
—Star Wars《星球大战》
“我爱你!” “我知道”
8. “But the heart’s not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love.”
人的心啊 。不是一个可以填满的盒子 。你爱的越多 。它变得越大
用中国话来说 。爱就是 “一件欲壑难填的事”
9. “Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you. And I’m thankful for that, Rose. I’m thankful. You must do me this honor. Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.”
赢取这张船票 。是我一生最美好的事情 ... 它让我遇见你 ... 你必须答应我:你会活下去 。不会放弃 。不管发生什么 。不管多么绝望 ...
请不要忘记 。这是杰克泡在冰水里对罗斯说的话 。可以试试泡在浴缸里表达一下类似意思 :)
10. “No, I like you very much. Just as you are\"
—Bridget Jones' Diary《BJ单身日记》
不 。我很喜欢你 。喜欢你本来的样子
不用减肥啰 。yeah!
11. “Shut up and deal.”
—The Apartment《非常公寓》
12. “I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person.”
—Henry, 50 First Dates《初恋50次》
我非常爱你 。也许超过世上任何一个人爱另外一个人可能达到的程度
13. “I have crossed oceans of time to find you.”
14. “I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental — like on a breeze, but I think maybe it’s both. Maybe both is happening at the same time. I miss you, Jenny. If there’s anything you need, I won’t be far away.”
—Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》
我不知道我们各有定命 。还是如同一阵风吹过 。偶尔浮现相遇 - 我想也许皆而有之吧 。我想你 。Jenny 。如果你有所需 。我不会离你而去
阿甘的话 。没有糟点~
15. “You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.”
—Shakespeare in Love《莎翁情史》
在我眼里你不会变老 。不会褪色 。不会死去
虽然人家这么说 。lady 们还是要努力 。多学习 。多运动!男士们也一样 。肚子挺得老远 。这类话就不好意思说了
16. “What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.”
— It's a Wonderful Life《生活多美好》
你要什么?你要月亮?没关系 。说出来 。我甩出绳子把它套住拉下来
干嘛要月亮?要点容易的 。用点力能达到的那种 。比如9克拉的钻石 。或者洗一个礼拜的碗 ...
17. “People call those imperfections, but no, that’s the good stuff.”
—Good Will Hunting《心灵捕手》
人们称之为欠缺 。但是不 。那才是好东西
完全同意 。完美 。几乎不是美
18、“He’s the sort who can’t know anyone intimately, least of all a woman. He doesn’t know what a woman is. He wants you for a possession, something to look at, like a painting or an ivory box. Something to own and to display. He doesn’t want you to be real, and to think and to live. He doesn’t love you. But I love you. I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when I hold you in my arms. It’s our last chance.”
