研究生英语作文模板( 二 )

第三段总结句:Therefore I don’t hesitate to remend this to you 。I am sure you will enjoy the 。
How enlightening and pelling the above drawing is!It is so funny that whoever sees it cannot help thinking:_____ 。*这句自我加完整,从宏观上描述一下图画就能够,笼统的,大体的*______while_______ 。*这句从微观上具体说明一下图画要描述的矛盾点,必须找到矛盾点,用到while这个单词*Simple as it looks,its intended meaning goes far deeper what on earth does the drawer really aim to convey 。
What the image above vividly mirrors goes far more than a simple image,instead,it carries a thought provoking social phenomenon:____ 。*本文的主旨*There are upsetting*如文章不是讽刺性的,就把upsetting删除*parallels today in our contemporary munity 。For example,______ 。*举2个例子,如果字数够就举1个*
Much can be done 。To begin with the schools and the mass media should develop,guide and cultivate noble and worthy values and qualities among people,doing their utmost to awaken people of the growing threat of this worsening situation 。*of this worsening situation自我能够换成主旨的词,如果不换,这样也能够 。如文章不是讽刺性的,就把worsening删除*What is more,the authorities concerned should play a dominant role in taking nationwide actions to curb*如文章不是讽刺性的,就把curb换成promote*such practices 。In conclusion,all the society should make actively more sustained and concerted efforts 。Although we still have a long way to go,a promising start has begun,and a happy,healthy and harmonious society may be not be far behind 。
What is presented here is a very interesting scenario……。From the subtitle we can infer that……。Conspicuously,……。
We can deduce from the picture that……。It partly owes to……,and partly to……。Except the case reflected in the picture,there are numerous evidence demonstrating……。For example,……。
From a personal point of view,I am delighted to witness …… 。To sum up,……。As for China,……。Therefore,…… 。I can firmly conclude that in the long run,cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy,as well as persified cultures 。
The picture shows……。symbolizes……。As is quoted in the picture,……。
It apparently mirrors an increasingly mon social phenomenon in China— in contrast with……。One the one hand,the problem partially attributes to……。Sometimes……。On the other hand,……。For example,……,while……。
In my opinion,the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect 。proves to be most beneficial to students 。Further,a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue
