

Dear Jack,
I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so tense.
I don"t know how you got it,however,don"t be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high tech.You just need to be clam and partner the treatment with the dostors.
Besides,I want to give some advice about how to prevent the A H1N1 virus.Firstly,you mustn"t go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of getting it.
Secondly,you should wash your hand before the meals and after you go home from outside.Only do this can you precent yourself from getting it again.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and wish you recover.
Dear Li Peng,
How are you going? I"m sorry to hear that you are not good at English,I"d like to offer you some advice.
First of all, you should recite the words as more as possible and read the articles regularly.The next , it"s a good way for you to speak English with your friends as more as you can, then you will meet problem possiblely ,you can ask the question to your teacher to improve your English. The last but the improtant is answer your English teacher"s question in the class.
I hope my advice is good for you and you can make a great progress.
Best wishes !
Dear Mr.Brown:
Welcome to our school to teach us oral English,and it"s my pleasure to introduce the supermaket which is near our shool to you . The supermaket is in the Renming Road which is three blocks away from the school.
It"s so convenient that you can go there on foot.It has three fioors,first floor sells clothes, the second floor sells general merchandise and electric appliances are on the top floor.The opening time is 9am to 10pm.I will be with you to go there at the first time if needed.
Best wishes.
