c语言标准库函数查询手册 c语言标准库函数有哪些( 三 )

gmtime() returns a pointer to the current Greenwich Mean Time
localtime() returns a pointer to the current time
mktime() returns the calendar version of a given time
strftime() returns individual elements of the date and time
time() returns the current calendar time of the system
calloc() allocates a two-dimensional chunk of memory
free() makes memory available for future allocation
malloc() allocates memory
realloc() changes the size of previously allocated memory
abort() stops the program
assert() stops the program if an expression isn';t true
atexit() sets a function to be called when the program exits
bsearch() perform a binary search
exit() stop the program
getenv() get enviornment information about a variable
longjmp() start execution at a certain point in the program
qsort() perform a quicksort
raise() send a signal to the program
rand() returns a pseudorandom number
setjmp() set execution to start at a certain point
signal() register a function as a signal handler
srand() initialize the random number generator
system() perform a system call
va_arg() use variable length parameter lists
什么是C语言标准函数库?平常用的哪些函数属于标准函数库?你会发现,有一些头文件(比如stdlib.h,stdio.h)每一个编译器都有,而里面的函数(如printf,malloc)每一个编译器都支持 。这些函数组成的集合就是标准函数库 。平常用的函数基本都属于标准函数库 。
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